Retrovirus direct repeat 1 (dr1)

Retrovirus direct repeat 1 (dr1)
Predicted secondary structure and sequence conservation of Retro_dr1
Symbol Retro_dr1
Rfam RF00214
Other data
RNA type Cis-reg
Domain(s) Viruses
SO 0000233
PDB structures PDBe

The direct repeat 1 (dr1) element is an RNA element commonly found in the 3' UTR of Avian sarcoma, Rous sarcoma and Avian leukosis viruses (Alpharetroviruses and Avian type C retroviruses). dr1 is required for efficient viral replication and is thought to be involved in genomic RNA packaging although this may not be its only role.[1]


  1. Aschoff, JM; Foster D; Coffin JM (1999). "Point Mutations in the Avian Sarcoma/Leukosis Virus 3′ Untranslated Region Result in a Packaging Defect". J Virol. 73 (9): 7421&ndash, 7429. PMC 104269. PMID 10438832.
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