Realschule Hoechstadt

Staatliche Realschule Höchstadt (secondary school) is a school that was built in 2005. It is located in Höchstadt near Erlangen (Nuremberg) in Bavaria, Germany.

The building

There are lots of big windows, so in summer the rooms can be very hot. Everything is very nice and new. Three elevators bring people who can’t take the stairs onto one of the three floors. The 36 classrooms are in four blocks: A, B, C and D. In block A there is the school hall. During the breaks you can buy things to eat and at lunch time you can buy food in the Cafeteria called “Coffito”. There is also a library where you can borrow some books for school or for your spare time.

The annual yearbook is like a big newspaper and is published at the end of each school year. Some pupils are silly and go to the supermarket during the school day. If they are caught by teachers they'll be reprimanded.

The subjects

At the school you can have: English, German, math, geography, French, IT (Information technology), art, religious education, physics, chemistry, home economics, music, history, business studies, design and technology, biology,….


  • headmaster: Mrs. Romeis
  • vice headmaster: Mr. Röhlich
  • nd vice headmaster: Mr. Marquardt

Most classes get four reports during the year. The SMV (pupils with responsibility) are: Security, class representatives and other Workgroups called “AGs”. School usually ends at a quarter past one in the afternoon. Some pupils stay at school where nice people care about them. When there are afternoon classes (usually one day a week) nearly all pupils eat together in the cafeteria.

Social achievements

This school has godchildren in poor countries. It often spends money on things for poor people and pays for pupils that can’t afford stuff for school.

Events at Realschule Höchstadt

Athletics for fun, summer festivals, carnival festivals, football games (teacher : seniors), and lots of other things you can do on this secondary school.


    Click on Realschule Hoechstadt

    Article is written by pupils from class 8a, Realschule Hoechstadt

    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.