RADION International

RADION International
Founded 2007
Founder Eugene Wee, Benjamin Goh
Type Non-governmental organization
Focus Vulnerable & Marginalized Communities
Area served
Thailand Laos Myanmar Singapore Philippines Pakistan
Method Child rescue, Advocacy, Rehabilitation, Humanitarian Relief, Disaster Recovery, Community Development, Education, Livelihood development

RADION International is a Christian humanitarian relief and development organisation that provides both short term as well as long-term assistance to underprivileged and marginalized communities in Asia. RADION International, headquartered in Chiang Mai, serves critically needy communities across northern Thailand. RADION International also has a field office in Phetchabun province that serves the largest concentration of hill-tribesmen in Thailand.

As of 2016, the organisation's chairperson is Mr Alvin Ong, and the Founder and CEO is Mr Eugene Wee.


2007: RADION International started as a small three-man organisation, providing humanitarian aid to 8,900 Hmong Lao refugees, who had sought asylum in the Thailand after the secret war.

2008: Alongside with the humanitarian assistance projects, RADION also started the Project SHOPHOUSE that provided low cost internet access to needy students. In the same year, RADION started the StreetKIDS program to provide aid to children in dire need of assistance.

2009: RADION started an integrated farm to trial and showcase the feasibility of different farming technologies for farmers, helping them in areas of animal husbandry, agriculture, aquaculture and bio fuel development.

2010: The organisation built on the success of the farm to start off the community development program - a holistic programme to address issues of poverty, domestic violence, substance abuse and lack of healthcare among rural communities.

2011: The STREETKIDS! programme saw a 66% rehabilitation success rate for juvenile drug users on the programme. A second shelter was set up in Chiangmai to accommodate the influx and education needs for the older children.

2012: The StreetKIDS programme started to receive more high-risk and abuse cases, prompting the management to set up a rescue arm to provide direct assistance to children who were at risk of being trafficked as well as victims of abuse.

2015: RADION's community development initiatives and successful collaboration with local leaders brought juvenile substance use down from 25% to 11.9%. The effort was recognized by the Social Development Office, Royal Thai Embassy and RADION was awarded Outstanding Brands by BrandAlliance.

Donating Countries

RADION International accepts donations from a number of countries, including Singapore, Thailand, Australia, United States of America and United Kingdom

Organizational Philosophy

The organisation is founded on Christian values. RADION's name originates from the combination of two words, "RADIATING" and "MISSION". It strongly believes in reaching oppressed and needy groups through practical actions and to be a catalyst for change within these communities.

Long-Term Developmental Model

RADION targets communities that are marginalised due to political, geographical or social constraints. The organisation promotes aid and community development through a four-prong approach, administering programs to children, young adults and the elderly. The organization is currently the only non-governmental organization serving the Hmong hill-tribe village of Khek Noi — the largest Hmong community in Thailand.[1]

STREETKIDS! Rehabilitation Shelter (STK)

An intervention and rehabilitation program for children from high-risk backgrounds (i.e. poverty, substance abuse, gangs, physical abuse/neglect). The program provides education, nutrition, healthcare, emotional support and character development for these children.

DEKThai Children's Weekend Education

A preventive children's weekend program, preventing underprivileged children from falling into vices of drugs and domestic violence. The program provides weekend tuition, livelihood skills training, healthcare education and nutrition to village children that come from poor backgrounds.

Village Outreach Programme (VO)

An elderly care program that provides nursing care, nutrition and emotional support to the poorest and most at-risk villagers in the community.

Community Development Program (CDP)

A two-pronged program with an advocacy arm to educate youth in an effort to break the vicious cycle of poverty, violence and drugs, and a social business arm that provides practical work-skill training and safe shelter for victims of domestic violence.

The SHOPHOUSE! and Integrated Farm are social enterprises created to aid victims of domestic violence by providing jobs, work skills training and rehabilitation in a safe environment. The goal is to empower these womenfolk to one day attain financial independence and self-sufficiency.

Short-Term Humanitarian Relief

RADION provides direct assistance to all rural villages within a 120 km radius of its integrated centre in Phetchabun, Thailand in the event of natural calamities or disasters that occur in the area.

Humanitarian Relief/Recovery projects are short term projects targeted at channeling timely life-saving support to underserved communities in the event of natural disasters or calamities.

These adhoc projects provide affected villagers with food, shelter, medical care and crisis support.

Disaster Recovery projects aim to provide mid-term assistance to communities impacted by disasters through the provision of livelihood options and economic recovery.

Past Projects

2007-2009 : Pioneered outreaches spanning 600 km across Thailand, providing 8900 Hmong-Lao refugees in 3 different areas with humanitarian aid.

a. Phetchabun Refugee Camp (8200 refugees)

b. Nong Khai Detention Center (158 refugees)

c. Refugee Settlement (450 refugees)

Each site had different pressing needs, and as a result, outreach operations varied in scale and intensity from basic MILK! Missions (children nutrition augmentation missions), FRUITS! Mission (family food augmentation mission) to first-aid training.

Jan 2009 : Disaster Relief & Medical Support

RADION International responded when the Thai government called for additional support during the sudden cold snap in 2009. RADION International provided medical assistance to 8 villages within a 120 km radius from RADION's field office in Phetchabun.

Nov 2013 - Jan 2014 : Disaster Relief For Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

RADION was amongst the first to respond after Super Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines in Nov 2013. The disaster response team spearheaded missions into Capiz Province that had been devastated by the typhoon but neglected by other aid agencies. The relief effort is currently still ongoing with volunteer teams providing medical care, relief items and establishing development initiatives to assist and restore affected communities.

Partners & Supporters

RADION receives support from individuals and corporate partners, including:

  • Crocs, which donated several hundred pairs of footwear.
  • Singapore Technologies (Info-communications), which helped to set up satellite collection for relief items.
  • Lee Foundation, supported project cost for education projects
  • Welch Allyn, which donated medical equipment and essentials towards the projects
  • Silkair, which donated computers & laptops towards community education projects
  • Starhub, which donated school bags & stationaries
  • The Pan Pacific Singapore, which contributed retail space to serve as a collection centre for a RADION donation drive in February 2009.[2]
  • Syngenta, which supported agricultural development projects
  • The Salvation Army Singapore, which contributed relief items.
  • FS Freight Systems Pte. Ltd.
  • Crabtree & Evelyn, which donated essential toiletries.
  • Woleco, contributed hygiene items.


  • Afiko Delivery, which is contributing S$1 out of every S$50 of revenue towards RADION.[3]
  • colinsphotograffi, which contributes 10% of profits & photography services towards RADION's marketing and communications materials.
  • NUS Medical Society, ongoing collaboration to provide medical care in impoverished communities.[4][5]
  • INTASE, donates a percentage of profits towards education and development projects

Notes & References

  1. The Land Without The Concept Of A Title Deed
  2. A Fisheye View Of Project LIVES!. 2009-09-02. Retrieved 2009-10-07.
  3. A Worthy Charitable Cause. 2009-09-14. Retrieved 2009-10-04.
  4. A Heart For The Hmong. 2011-11-25. Retrieved 2011-11-31.
  5. ActivAid 2012: Understanding How Working Together Works. 2012-08-25. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
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