Quibus quantisque malis

Quibus quantisque malis was a Papal Allocution of Pius IX addressed to the Consistory of Cardinals on April 20, 1849[1]. It is referred to by Catholic sources as anti-Masonic,[2] and by Masonic sources as equating Freemasonry with Socialism and Communism.[3] An English translation has been published online.

See also


  1. https://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-ix/it.index.4.html
  2. Section VIII. Action of State and Church Authorities, in Masonry (Freemasonry) in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913, and Condemnation of Freemasonry by Church and State, in 'Freemasonry', the New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1969.
  3. https://books.google.com/books?id=bcQyAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA184&dq=%22Quibus+Quantisque+Malis%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NFTwU7_BOa_Q7AaS3YCYAQ&ved=0CE0Q6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=%22Quibus%20Quantisque%20Malis%22&f=false

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