Products Finishing

Products Finishing
Editor Tim Pennington
Frequency Monthly
Circulation 31,213
Publisher Todd Luciano
First issue 1936
Company Gardner Business Media, Inc.
Country  United States
Language English
ISSN 0032-9940

Products Finishing (ISSN 0032-9940) is a monthly American trade magazine and web site focused on reporting on the use of organic and inorganic finishings and the technologies used to deliver them.

The Publisher is Todd Luciano, the Editor is Tim Pennington and the Assistant Editor is Jess Larkin. Editorial offices are located in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Products Finishing is published 12 times per year.

No-charge subscriptions are offered by qualification and are BPA-audited. As of June 2012, monthly circulation was 30,000+ subscribers.


The magazine was launched in 1936 by Donald Gardner of Gardner Publications, Inc., the publisher of Modern Machine Shop. In the introductory letter of the first issue, Mr. Gardner noted that due to rapid advancements in the engineering and production of metal products at that time, "the most important factor in the merchandising of metal products today is appearances".[1] As stated in that issue, the magazine's staff would undertake the task of "searching out and disseminating the newest and best information available concerning metal finishing methods...including cleaning, polishing, buffing, plating, [and] lacquering".


  1. Products Finishing, v.1, i.1, October 1936, pp 2-3
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