Police (Nesbø novel)

Hardcover edition
Author Jo Nesbø
Original title Politi
Country Norway
Language Norwegian, English
Series Harry Hole
Genre Crime fiction
Publisher Knopf
Publication date
October 15, 2013
Pages 448 pp.
ISBN 978-0307960498
Preceded by Phantom
Followed by Thirst

Police (Norwegian: Politi, 2013) is a crime novel by Norwegian novelist Jo Nesbø.[1] It is the tenth novel in Nesbø's Harry Hole series.[2]


The tenth in the Oslo crime series featuring detective Harry Hole is the most sizeable entry yet; a twisting-turning saga that pits the gangly maverick against that most feared of serial killers, the cop killer. This murderer has a very devious modus operandi, luring police, and ex-police, involved in unsolved murders to the scene of the original crime to perform a copycat killing there, seemingly as a punishment for having failed to solve the original case.


The scene where a character writes a message on a foggy bus window is a reference to the lyrics of the song "Jenter" by Nesbø's band, Di Derre.

Reference list

  1. Steffens, Daneet (October 24, 2013). "'Police' by Jo Nesbo". Boston Globe. bostonglobe.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  2. STASIO, MARILYN (November 8, 2013). "Watch Your Back Jo Nesbo's 'Police,' and More". The New York Times. nytimes.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.

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