Phylace (Pieria)

Phylace or Phylake (Ancient Greek: Φυλακή, Phylakē), or Phylakes (Φυλακές, Phylakēs; Phylakai (Φυλακαὶ, Phylakaí)), was an ancient city in mountainous Pieria, Macedon, on the Haliacmon river, north of Balla. Parmenion, son of Glaucias, Phylacean (Greek: Παρμενίων Γλαυκίου Φυλακαῖος) was a dolichos runner and winner in the Alexandrian games at Beroea in 3rd or 2nd century BCE (dedicated to Alexander the Great).[1] Pliny mentions the inhabitants under the name Phylacaei.[2]


  1. Epigraphical Database- EKM 1. Beroia 140.5
  2. Pliny. Naturalis Historia. 4.10.17.


  • Hazlitt, The Classical Gazetteer > page 274

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