Patrick MacMullan

Bishop Patrick MacMullan (17 Mar 1752 - 25 Oct 1824) was an Irish Roman Catholic Prelate and 20th Bishop of Down and Connor.

He was a native of mid Down and details of his early life in the latter half of the eighteenth century are sketchy. It is believed he was ordained to the priesthood in 1775.

What is certain is that he received episcopal consecration on 2nd Sept. 1793, and the following year succeeded his distant cousin Hugh as Bishop of Down and Connor.[1][2]

In 1814 he made a report to Rome on the state of his diocese (served by around 35 parish priests and a few curates) which although vague gives some indication of the state of the diocese.[3]

He died on 25th Oct 1824 in the house of his nephew in Loughinisland and is buried at Loughinisland Graveyard.[4][5]


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