Osmo Väinölä

Osmo Tapani Väinölä (born 1928) is a Finnish diplomat and ambassador. He was Head of the Administrative Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 1978 to 1979, Ambassador in Budapest 1979–1985 and Tel Aviv 1985[1]–1989.[2] He was a circulating Ambassador to West Africa countries from 1989 to 1991 and Ambassador to Riyadh in 1991–1993.[3]


  1. Facta 2001, WSOY 1986, 18. osa, palsta 480
  2. Maatiedosto Israel, Suomen ulkoasiainministeriö
  3. WSOY Iso Tietosanakirja 10. osa, s. 333, WSOY 1997

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