Operation Pacifier

Operation Pacifier is or was a large scale hacking campaigning from the FBI launched in 2015 investigating criminal activity on the dark web. It was the largest such operation since Operation Torpedo.[1]

Malware known to law enforcement as network investigative techniques (NITs) were used to discover the real IP addresses of Tor users from a seized child porn website called Playpen.[2]

The international nature of the operation raised a number of legal questions about the FBI's international jurisdiction and is the subject of ongoing legal and journalistic investigations.[3]


  1. Siino, Nicole (29 October 2016). "The FBI's "Operation Pacifier" Attempted to Catch Child Pornography Viewers But Courts Inquire Into the Validity of the Search Warrant". Retrieved 28 December 2016.
  2. Paganini, Pierluigi (2 August 2016). "Operation Pacifier is the massive hacking campaign against computers worldwide launched by the FBI in early 2015 to track criminals on the dark web". Retrieved 28 December 2016.
  3. Cox, Joseph (27 July 2016). "Dozens of Lawyers Across the US Fight the FBI's Mass Hacking Campaign". Retrieved 28 December 2016.
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