Nso language

Native to Cameroon
Native speakers
240,000 in Cameroon (2005)[1]
Language codes
ISO 639-3 lns
Glottolog lamn1239[2]

Nso (Lamnso, Lamnsɔ’) is the Grassfields language of the Nso people of western Cameroon. A few may remain in Nigeria. It has ten major noun classes.[3] The ISO 639-3 code is lns.[4] Nso is spoken by about over 100,000 people.[5]


  • Beri wo. Thank you. (Deutsch: Danke)
  • Wikijung. You are welcome.
  • A sahka? What news? (Greeting). (Deutsch: Wie Gehts?)
  • Sah ka yo dzə. No news (Reply) OR M bo sa. I am fine. (Deutsch: Gut)
  • yirannia. Good morning.
  • A sahka mbuni. How did you sleep?
  • Aresi nia. Good afternoon.
  • yi ginia. Good evening.
  • Buni kijung. Sleep well.
  • A ber ni kibveshi. Good bye until tomorrow.
  • Njemse jungsi. Sweet dreams.
  • Wuna wosa. And to you.
  • Nyuy sævi wo. God bless you (Greeting). (Deutsch: Gott segne dich)
  • Vishi vejungvi. Good luck.
  • Ghan kijung. Safe journey.
  • Fo mo. Give me. (Deutsch: Gib mir)
  • A du fe? Where are you going? (Deutsch: Wo gehen Sie hin?)
  • Yir yee dzə la? What is your name? (Deutsch: Wie heißen Sie?)
  • Yir yem dzə Luckong. My name is Luckong. (Deutsch: Meine Name ist Luckong)
  • A dzə wan la? Whose child are you? (Deutsch: Zu welchen Eltern gehören Sie?)
  • M dzə wan Lukong. I am Lukong's child. (Deutsch: Ich bin das Kind von Emma)
  • Fon Nso dze la? Who is the traditional ruler of Nso? (Deutsch: Wie heißt der Nso Oberhaupt?)
  • Jing yar mo. I am hungry.
  • Ki long ki yum mo. I am thirsty.
  • M kong wo. I love you.
  • Marir mo. Marry me.

Animal names

  • baa: leopard
  • jwi: dog
  • kan: monkey
  • kitam: elephant
  • bvèreh: lion
  • shishuiy: duica
  • bvey: goat
  • njii: sheep
  • nyaar: buffalo
  • buhn: squirrel
  • yo : serpent
  • kinchiiy: cricket
  • taa ngam: spider
  • ngam: tarantula
  • kuurra: hyena
  • Ngvev: Chicken.
  • Kibev: He goat.
  • Kibar: Lizard.
  • Kiliim: Bat

Other nouns

  • shuy: sun
  • mindzev: water
  • ngwa: book
  • nanar: pineapple
  • lav: house
  • kitukelav: roof
  • nsaalav: floor
  • shulav: door
  • ntah: chair
  • gham: rug
  • nton: cooking pot
  • lang: bowl (typically a small bowl)
  • bar: Cup
  • Nkaa: Basket
  • Sum: Farm.
  • Minkkah: Firewood.


  • lum: hot
  •  : cold
  • Dzer: Heavy.
  • Sen: Dark.
  • Fer: White
  • Sheer: Bitter.
  • Nyom: Sweet.


  1. Nsɔ at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  2. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017). "Lamnso'". Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
  3. Laura W. McGarrity and Robert Botne. "BETWEEN AGREEMENT AND CASE MARKING IN LAMNSO" (PDF).
  4. "ISO 639 code sets". www.sil.org. Retrieved 2017-06-21.
  5. paul peek. "Lamnso". Flw.com. Retrieved 2011-10-21.


  • McGarrity, Laura and Botne, Robert (2001). Between Agreement and Case Marking in Lamnso. IUWPL 3: Explorations in African Linguistics: From Lamnso' to Sesotho (2001), edited by Robert Botne and Rose Vondrasek, pp. 53–70. Bloomington, IN: Noun classes and categorization: Proceedings of a symposium on categorization and noun classification, Eugene, Oregon, October 1983. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.

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