Nina Ahlstedt

Nina Ahlstedt: Grinden (The Gate, 1896)

Nina Ahlstedt née Lingell (1853–1907) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish painter. She studied at the art school in Turku (1871–76) and at the Académie Colarossi in Paris (1880–81 and again in 1897). After a début in 1878, she presented her work at the Finnish Artists Exhibitions in 1892, 1894–99, 1902 and 1904.[1] Ahlstedt was one of the first artists to join Victor Westerholm in the artists colony at Önningeby on the island of Åland in 1886. She and her husband Fredrik Ahlstedt, also a painter, returned there in subsequent years.[2]


  1. "Alstedt, Nina" (in Finnish). Kuvataiteilijamatrikkeli. Retrieved 30 March 2017.
  2. "Önningebykolonin - en bortglömd konstnärsgemenskap från landskapsmåleriets guldålder" (in Swedish). Tidskriften Skärgård, Årgång 24 Nr 4. 2001. Retrieved 28 March 2017.
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