Nguyễn Chích

Nguyễn Chích (阮隻) also Nguyễn Chính (1382–1448) was an ethnic-Mường general and advisor of Vietnamese national leader Lê Lợi.[1]

He was from Đông Ninh village, Đông Sơn District. He established the fort at Hoàng Nghiêu (modern Đông Nam) in Đông Sơn District. In 1425, during the Lam Sơn uprising, he encouraged Lê Lợi to invade Nghệ An Province, then held by the Ming Dynasty forces.[2]


  1. Joël Luguern Le Viêt-nam 1997 - Page 81 "Parmi eux figuraient un descendant des Trân, le général Trân-nguyên-Han, un chef paysan local, Nguyên-Chich, un chef de l'ethnie montagnarde des Muong, Lê-Lai, et celui qui deviendra son ami tout en restant son conseiller, le lettré ..."
  2. Khăć Viện Nguyêñ, Vietnam: une longue histoire (L'Harmattan, 1999; ISBN 2-7384-8503-0), p. 70

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