New Fourth Army Headquarters in Hankou

The former New Fourth Army Headquarters in Hankou (Chinese: 漢口新四軍軍部舊址) located at No. 332-352, Shengli Street, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, China, was the seat of the first headquarter of the New Fourth Army. In the headquarters there were not only places to do office work and hold meetings, but also places to train recruits and deal with visitors. The site was renovated by Wuhan People's Government in 2005.[1] On March 5, 2013, it was named a Major National Historical and Cultural Sites.[2]


  1. 水世闿.汉口新四军军部旧址发现记[J].武汉文史资料,2007,(第8期). pp21-27.
  2. 中华人民共和国中央人民政府. 国务院核定公布第七批全国重点文物保护单位. 2013-05-03.

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