National Federation of Cypriots

The National Federation of Cypriots in the United Kingdom is a London-based umbrella organisation incorporating Greek Cypriot associations in the United Kingdom. It does not represent Turkish Cypriots, whose umbrella organisation is the Turkish Cypriot Community Association.[1]

As the foremost representative body of UK Greek Cypriots, the Federation performs a two-fold role. Firstly, it spearheads the British Cypriot community's efforts to promote the cause of a reunited Cyprus, free from Turkish occupation troops and illegal colonists, for the benefit of all Cypriots. Secondly, it coordinates the work of UK Cypriots in the political, social, cultural and educational spheres as well as lobbies for and articulates the interests and concerns of the Cypriot community in the United Kingdom. In pursuing its objectives, the Federation co-operates closely with the democratically elected President and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. The Federation also fosters close links with the British Government, the leadership of British political parties, British parliamentarians, civic and community leaders, ethnic minorities, the mass media and other relevant institutions in the United Kingdom.


The Federation was founded immediately after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. It functions under a President, an Executive and a Secretariat elected every two years and is headquartered in North London.

Christos Karaolis was elected as the fifth President of the Federation in June 2015. Karaolis is the first third generation Greek Cypriot elected to that position following eight years as President of NEPOMAK (the World Organisation for Young Overseas Cypriots)

As Described in The House of Commons Report

The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK "is an organisation representing almost all Greek Cypriot community associations in the UK, many of which are themselves "special purpose federations". Whilst a Greek Cypriot descent is common amongst these members, they are, with very few exceptions, British citizens with an inherent right to a voice in policy-making at a national level.


  1. Halm, Dirk; Sezgin, Zeynep, eds. (2013). Migration and Organized Civil Society: Rethinking National Policy. Routledge. p. 68.
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