Namananda Giri

Nama Nanda Giri - Namaji
Religion Hinduism
Philosophy Advaita Vedanta
Born Dandapani
Died Sept 24, 2009[1]
Guru Sivaratna Giri, Gnanananda Giri Haridhos Giri
Honors Hindu Revivalism, Principal Disciple of Sri Haridhos Giri - Guruji Panduranga Temple, Thennangur

Swami Namananda Giri (Naa-maa-nan-da) lovingly called Namaji was Principal Disciple of Sri Haridhos Giri (Ha-ri-daas) and continued Sri Gnanananda Giri Peetam as a peetathipati (Leader) established by Swami Haridhos Giri, Chief Disciple of Sri Gnanananda Giri after Swami Haridhos Giri Jala Samathi.

Since 1994, Namananda Giri maintained PandurangaTemple in Thennangur,India and continued Swami Haridhos Giri - Guruji's goal of spreading Namasankeerthan - The only easiest way to attain "Moksha" He also establish ashrams and continued charity work in the name of Swami Haridhos Giri and Swami Gnanananda Giri.

Namaji was like Swami Haridhos Giri, who devoted his entire life to serve the Lord Panduranga and his guru, Gnanananda Giri.Like Swami Haridhos Giri, he also traveled all over the world including Singapore, Malaysia, London and other countries to spread Namasankeerthan. He has taught several people from all over the world about guru bhakthi in his speeches and bhajans like Swami Haridhos Giri. Even today, if you go to Thennangur,(the place which Swami Haridhos Giri and Swami Namananda Giri built in India) you can see his adishtanam beautifully built. Swami Namananda Giri has been having Swami Haridhos Giri as not only his guru, but also as his role model.

Swami Namananda Giri attained moksha in Sept 2009, and Namaji did not nominate an heir to continue the Giri Parambara.


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