Murjan Mosque

Murjan Mosque

Murjan Mosque (Arabic: جامع مرجان) is a historic mosque in Baghdad, Iraq, located in the Al Rasheed Street of Shorja. There used to be a madrasa known as Madrasa Murjania which founded by Amin al-Din Murjan by the funding of the Jalairid Sultan Awis bin Hasan Alulikhani in 1356. The madrasa had taught the four Sunni maddhabs and sustained by the supplies from Baghdad. Later the hospital was established for the students of science, which overlooked the Tigris. The hospital was equipped with cafe as well. After the death of Murjan in 1353, he was buried in the madrasa, and the dome was erected on top of his tomb. However, the madrasa and dome was later demolished in 1946 in order to expand the Al Rasheed Street.[1][2]

Since then renovation was conducted in 1973 by the ministry of endowment and the religious affairs. Today, the mosque has an area of 1500 square meters and can accommodate 1200 worshipers. The prayer room is topped by one main dome and two small domes, and the mosque is enclosed by the wall.[1]

See also


  1. 1 2 البغداديون أخبارهم ومجالسهم - إبراهيم عبد الغني الدروبي - مطبعة الرابطة -بغداد - 1958p.281
  2. جامع مرجان. Masajed Iraq. Retrieved January 4, 2018.

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