Monique Wadsted

Wadsted in TPB AFK

Monique Wadsted (born 19 September 1957) is a Swedish lawyer and a partner att MAQS Advokatbyrå [1] in Stockholm Sweden. She has represented Swedish Match in a case regarding the borders between freedom of speech and advertising. She has also represented Duracell against Philips, KF against Gillette, Canal+ against TV1000, Duka against Bodum.

Later she represented the Hollywood Studios Warner Bros., MGM, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Mars Media, Blizzard Entertainment, Sierra Entertainment and Activision Publishing in The Pirate Bay trial.[2][3]

In 2014 she represented the journalist Pia Gadd in a case before the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding linking and copyright, case C-466/12 [4]

In 2017 she represented Bringwell Sverige AB before the Swedish Supreme Court in a case regarding damages caused by an interim injunction. The case regarded the legal basis for damages, calculation of damages and evidence of commercial loss. [5]

She represented the Scientology movement in their copyright case against Zenon Panoussis[6].

She holds an LL.M. degree from Stockholm University.[7]


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