Mohamad Barakat

Mohamad Barakat is a Brazilian ophthalmologist of Lebanese descent practicing in São Paulo.[1] He posed in social networks with Guerrero as well as with Brazilian football stars Kaká, Rivaldo, and Nilmar, and has nearly a million followers on instagram.[2][3][4][5][6] A 2013 under-cover report showed him to easily prescribe hormones and questioned his academic title in endocrinology that reportedly is not recognized by the respective Brazilian authority, and an investigation for unethical practices was started in 2017.[7] Barakat calls himself a nutritionist, published a book on how to live a healthy life and is a frequent guest talking on the topics on radio and television.[8][9][10] The singer Netinho accused Barakat of having ruined his health with steroids, for which Barakat sued him but lost. Netinho keeps written documentation of his treatment by Barakat.[11][12] Barakat is married and has a daughter.[1]


  • Pilares para uma vida saudavel, Pandorga, 2017, ISBN 8584421769


  1. 1 2 Dr. Barakat - Desperte um novo estilo de vida, João Felipe Cândido, Viva S/A, 27/03/2018 (in Portuguese)
  2. Geheimsache Doping: Brasiliens zwölfter Mann, ARD, July 1, 2018 (in German)
  3. Geheimsache Doping - Profifußballer besuchen dubiosen brasilianischen Mediziner, Hajo Seppelt, Florian Riesewieck, Edmund Willison, and Sebastian Münster, ARD, July 1, 2018 (in German)
  4. Doping: German journalists expose doctor linked to Brazilian football stars, Alexander Pearson, Deutsche Welle, July 2, 2018
  5. Médico de fora do Corinthians diz que Guerrero pede ajuda e amplia desgaste, Perrone, 02/11/2013 (in Portuguese)
  6. Dr. Barakat se pronuncia sobre reportagem da VEJA Sao Paulo: "Foi tendenciosa", Sarados do Brasil, December 17, 2013 (in Portuguese)
  7. Dr. Barakat vira réu em ação do Cremesp, Ana Carolina Soares, Veja, 26 February 2017 (in Portuguese)
  8. Os médicos que receitam bombas, Sérgio Ruiz Luz, João Batista Jr., Veja, December 13, 2013 (in Portuguese)
  9. Nutricionista cuiabano critica médicos que prescrevem dieta: "Exercício ilegal da profissão", Isabela Mercuri, Olhar coneito, 23 Jan 2018 (in Portuguese)
  10. Dr. Barakat lança livro sobre saúde e alimentação em SPMédico, pós-graduado em nutrologia e endocrinologia, ensina os passos para conquistar uma saúde de ferro no livro "Pilares para uma vida saudável", EBC, 04/04/2017 (in Portuguese)
  11. Médico Barakat perde pedido judicial movido contra o cantor Netinho, Agora São Paulo, 28/09/2017 (in Portuguese)
  12. Médico processa Netinho por denúncia de tratamento com anabolizante; juiz revoga liminar e defesa recorre, Henrique Mendes,, 22/03/2018 (in Portuguese)
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