Modern Love (poetry collection)

Modern Love (1862) by George Meredith is a collection of 50 16-line sonnets about the failure of his first marriage. He reflects his own disillusionment after his wife Mary Ellen, the daughter of Thomas Love Peacock, left him for the painter Henry Wallis. It is often thought of as one of the first psychological poems.

The poems consist of four characters, a husband, wife, another man and another woman. His wife left him and eloped with another man and for that he never forgave her, but at the same time he talked about her tears (as they were not happy with one another, maybe financial crisis was one of the reasons) in the very first line as he said "Wept With Waking Eyes".[1]


  • unhappy marriage
  • feminism
  • extramarital affair


Ostrom, Hans. "The Disappearance of Tragedy in Meredith's Modern Love. Victorian Newsletter 63 (Spring 1983): 26-30.


  1. Rumens, Carol. "Poem of the week: Modern Love by George Meredith". The Guardian. Retrieved 2017-08-17.
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