
Mini-MBA is a training regimen focused on the fundamentals of business. Mini-MBA programs are typically non-credit bearing programs that require less than 100 hours of total learning.[1] Mini-MBA will also be applicable to the other programs viz., Advanced Management Program (AMP), General Management Program (GMP) etc. that confer alumni status of the business school. Such mini-MBA programs are offered by several leading business schools, including Harvard Business School, McGill Executive Institute (McGill University)[2], Wharton, Columbia, Stanford, Booth Chicago, INSEAD, London Business School, Florida Institute of Technology,[3] University at Buffalo and Rutgers University. In Denmark Mini MBA programs are offered by e.g.IME and Aros Business Academy and in Spain a Mini MBA program is offered by IEBS Business School and Seedrocket.


  1. University of North Carolina "About the UNC Business Essentials Business Certificate Program"
  2. "Mini-MBA Series | McGill Executive Institute". Retrieved 2018-02-13.
  3. Florida Institute of Technology "Mini-MBA Certificate Programs

Mini MBA in Ukraine

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