Martina Sanollová

Martina Sanollová

Martina Sanollová (born June 13, 1963, in Břeclav) is a Czech singer and pianist, member of the avant-garde post-industrial band Skrol, and formerly also the project Zygote. She is also a copywriter and translator (for example, she translated the book The Consumer by the singer Michael Gira,[1] the founder of the band Swans) and organizer of the progressive music genres performances.

In addition to membership in these formations, she participated in albums of the band Aghiatrias and the composer's Vladimír Hirsch solo albums,[2] a leader of all mentioned formations. Her career as a singer began in 1994 in the post-punk band (The) Marabu. She works as a teacher of Czech, German, English and music.

Typical for her is the dramatic and expressive, exalted voice, using various vocal techniques and sound effects. In the 1990s she created her own performance project called Violenta Projecta .


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