Martim Afonso Chichorro II

Martim Afonso Chichorro II
Rico Homem
Born 13th century
Kingdom of Portugal
Died 14th century
Kingdom of Portugal
Religion Roman Catholic

Martim Afonso Chichorro II or Martin Alfonso de Sousa (1280-?) was a rich Portuguese nobleman at the Court of his uncle Denis of Portugal.[1]


Born in Portugal, he was the son of Martim Afonso Chichorro and Inês Lourenço de Valadares. His paternal grandfather was Afonso III of Portugal.[2] Chichorro was married to Aldonça Anes de Briteiros, a remote descendant of Mem Guedaz Guedeão.[3]


  1. Estudos em homenagem a José Amadeu Coelho Dias (2 Vol.). By Dctp, Dhepi - Flup.
  2. Memorias historicas, e genealogicas dos grandes de Portugal: que contém a. António Caetano de Sousa.
  3. Corografia portugueza e descripçam topografica do famoso reyno de Portugal. Antonio Carvalho da Costa.

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