Marián Kočner

Marián Kočner is a Slovak enterpreneur operating mostly in the spheres of risk investment, financial development and property business. His name appeared in so-called "mafia lists"[1][2] - a set of documents allegedly leaked from police in 2005 containing lists of persons suspected of involvement in organized crime and vehicles used by them, intended as an aid for police patrols. Kočner's business practices had been a prominent topic of articles by Ján Kuciak,[3] an investigative journalist from who was murdered in February 2018. Couple of months prior to Kuciak's death, Kočner had allegedly threatened to "dig up dirt" on Kuciak by phone, saying "I will focus especially on you, your mother, your father, on your siblings.".[4] Kuciak had filed a criminal complaint but a subsequent police investigation concluded that Kočner's alleged statements did not constitute a criminal offence.[5] After Kuciak's murder, general prosecutor Jaromír Čižnár ordered the case to be reopened, however police again closed the case with conclusion that Kočner's statements do not constitute criminal offence. subsequently published transcript of the phone call between Kuciak and Kočner.[6] He is also connected to Alena Z. (suspect charged of ordering murder) via Alena Z.'s daugther as her godfather.[7]

Gamatex and TV Markíza

Kočner first gained public notoriety for his attempt to take over TV Markíza in 1998.

TV Markíza, one of the first private television channels in Slovakia, was founded by Pavol Rusko and Sylvia Volzová in partnership with CME Media Enterprises B.V. in 1996. Initially the channel was not successful in acquiring broadcasting license, licensing board objected that Rusko did not disclose Volzová as co-owner.[8] Rusko had entered into an agreement with Espé štúdio, company owned by Siloš Pohanka to pay 3 million DEM in exchange for help in getting broadcasting license for Markíza. Eventually the cast of licensing board changed, Markíza had secured broadcasting license and launched on 31 August 1996. However Rusko declared agreement with Espé štúdio invalid, as he argued that Markíza acquired license without help of Siloš Pohanka.[8] After unsuccessful attempts at getting money from Rusko, Pohanka sold his claim to Gamatex, company owned by Kočner. Kočner persuaded Volzová to acknowledge the claim and Kočner started court procedures to have the claim paid out.[9]

In August 1998 Kočner appeared at Markíza offices with court order giving him control over the TV station. When negotiations with Rusko regarding ownership dispute failed, Kočner occupied the TV station with hired private security and fired TV channel's top managers.[10] This caused public outrage, as the takeover took place only 10 days before parliamentary elections. At that time TV Markíza was deemed the main news outlet opposing the government of Vladimír Mečiar and an attempt at takeover was considered an attack on press freedom. Several thousand[10] of angry citizens gathered in front of Markíza's offices as a show of support and several politicians from opposition parties gave speeches at the rally. After two days, Kočner and his associates left the building[11] and ownership dispute continued in courts. According to news reports,[9][12] Kočner's involvement in TV Markíza seemingly ended in 2000 when Rusko bought Gamatex through intermediaries.

In a 2006 interview with (not to be confused with Kočner said the security firm involved in takeover of Markíza belonged to Peter Čongrády, a local mafia boss, however in later interviews he denied hiring Čongrády.[1]

In June 2018, Kočner has been detained by Slovak authorities for forging promissory notes worth €70 million together with Pavol Rusko. He stays in custody as of August 2018, although no criminal charges have yet been raised. He is also suspected of tax evasion.[13]


  1. 1 2 Burčík, Matúš (28 February 2012). "Marián Kočner. Mafián, ktorý neexistuje". SME (in Slovak). Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  2. Dömeová, Annamária (21 June 2005). "Mafiánske zoznamy -- menoslov možných páchateľov". Hospodárske Noviny (in Slovak). Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  3. Mikušovič, Dušan. "O čom písal zavraždený novinár Kuciak: Pátral vo verejných databázach, polovica z jeho posledných textov je o Kočnerovi". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  4. Tódová, Monika. "Kočner predal byt v Bonaparte a zastrašoval novinára, ktorý o tom napísal". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  5. Tódová, Monika. "Investigatívneho reportéra Aktualít Jána Kuciaka a jeho partnerku zavraždili, vláda núka milión eur za odhalenie páchateľov". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 29 March 2018.
  6. "#AllForJan: Prestanete písať, hrozil novinárovi Kočner (kompletný prepis rozhovoru)". (in Slovak). 8 April 2018. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  7. a.s., Petit Press. "The price of Ján Kuciak's head was €70,000". Retrieved 2018-10-01.
  8. 1 2 "Príbeh jednej televízie: Toto všetko si preskákala Markíza". (in Slovak). 4 October 2013. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  9. 1 2 Petronela, Ševčíková (23 October 2017). "Ako Pavol Rusko a Sylvia Volzová zakladali a predávali Markízu". Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  10. 1 2 Tóth, Peter (16 September 1998). "Televízia Markíza obsadená". SME. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  11. "Gamatex s ochrankou opustil Markízu, zamestnanci dostali záruky do 11. októbra". SME (in Slovak). 18 September 1998. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  12. Tettinger, Marek (2 November 2005). "Rusko v Markíze skončil, televíziu ovládli Američania". Hospodárske Noviny (in Slovak). Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  13. "NAKA detains businessman Kočner". The Slovak Spectator. Petit Press. Retrieved 14 August 2018.
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