Marguerite de Baugé

Marguerite de Baugé (1200-1252) was also known as Marguerite de Bâgé, as Marguerite de Baujé and as the Dame de Mirabel .


She was born around 1200. She married Humbert V, seigeur de Beaujeu , son of Guichard IV, seigneur de Beaujeu dit le Grand and Sibylle de Hainaut dites de Flandres on July 15, 1219. She died in March 1252 and was buried in 1252 in the charterhouse of Poletins-en-Bresse.

Marguerite de Baugé's known children include:

  • Guicharde de Beaujeu
  • Dame Florie de Beaujeu and Belleroche-en-Beaujolais (1220 - 1248)
  • Beatrix de Beaujeu (1222 - 1245)
  • Dame Isabelle de Beaujeu (1225 - 1297)

[1] [2]

Association with the castle of Miribel

Marguerite de Baugé is also associated with the castle of Miribel (Ain) in France. In 1180 the castle of Miribel becomes the property of the house of Baugé, through the marriage of the daughter of Count William with Ulric de Baugé, Lord Bresse . Marguerite, the only daughter of Gui de Bâgé and granddaughter of Ulric, brought the castle with her dowry when she married Humbert V , sire of Beaujeu.[3]


Because of her known genealogical relationship on the maternal lineage to Pierre Terrail, seigneur de Bayard - the French national hero known as the knight "without fear and beyond reproach", we are able to deduce the mtDNA haplogroup of Marguerite de Baugé also. Marguerite de Baugé shares mtDNA haplogroup H10e with Pierre Terrail, whose remains have been DNA-tested in 2017.[4][5]


  1. "Base de données - Genealogie.Quebec - page de Dame Marguerite de Baugé de Miribel (1200 - 1252)". (in French). Retrieved 2018-10-13.
  2. Familien vom Mittel- und Oberrhein und aus Burgund. Freytag von Loringhoven, Frank, Isenburg, Wilhelm Karl von, Schwennicke, Detlev. Marburg: Stargardt. 1986. ISBN 3465027299. OCLC 256282306.
  3. texte, Guigue, Marie-Claude (1832-1889). Auteur du (1873). "Topographie historique du département de l'Ain, ou Notices sur les communes, les hameaux, les paroisses, les abbayes, les prieurés, les monastères,... : accompagnée d'un précis de l'histoire du département depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la Révolution / par M.-C. Guigue,..." Gallica. Retrieved 2018-10-13.
  4. "Chevalier Bayard, une identification ADN et des questions". FIGARO (in French). 2017-03-02. Retrieved 2018-10-13.
  5. Lucotte, Gérard; Bouin Wilkinson, Alexandra (2017). "Y-Chromosomal Profile and Mitochondrial DNA of the Chevalier Bayard (1476?-1524)". Open Journal of Genetics. 07 (01): 50–61. doi:10.4236/ojgen.2017.71005. ISSN 2162-4453.
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