Ma se ghe penso

"Ma se ghe penso"
Song by Luisa Rondolotti
Language Genoese
English title "But if I Think About It"
Published 1925
Composer(s) Mario Cappello, Attilio Margutti
Lyricist(s) Mario Cappello

"Ma se ghe penso" is a song in the dialect of Genoa. It has a central role in the city folklore and is commonly quoted as one of its symbols. The song was written by Mario Cappello (music and lyrics);[1] Attilio Margutti too helped with the music. "Ma se ghe penso" was launched in 1925. The first interpretation was by soprano Luisa Rondolotti, in Genoa's Teatro Orfeo.

Its lyrics speak of a Genoese emigrant to Latin America, who is thinking of coming back to his city. Notwithstanding his child's opposition, he finally goes back to Genoa, with a few things.


Other well known interpretations were that of Giuseppe Marzari and that, not sung but recited, of Gilberto Govi.[2] In 1967 Mina reinterpreted the song.[3] Recently, Ma se ghe penso was sung by the Neapolitan singer Massimo Ranieri (together with the Genoese showmen Luca Bizzarri and Paolo Kessisoglu) during the Sanremo Festival 2011.[4]


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