Louella D. Everett

Louella D. Everett, 1883-1967. Poetry anthologist and Associate Editor of the 11th [1] and 12th [2] editions of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. Also published two poetry anthologies: The Cat in Verse [3] and Home and Holiday Verse .[4] For many years she was a contributor to the New York Times Book Review, helping readers to find the sources of bits of verse. [5]

Louella D. Everett of Boston, Mass.,
Must be an industrious, painstaking lass;
I'm sure she refuses the diners and dancers
To devote all her time to Queries and Answers[6]

At one time, her fame was such that she was the topic of a short piece in The Talk of the Town. [7]


  1. Morley, Christopher, and Everett, Louella D. Familiar Quotations, A Collection Of Passages, Phrases And Proverbs Traced To Their Sources In Ancient And Modern Literature By John Bartlett, 11th edition. Little, Brown, and Co., 1937.
  2. Morley, Christopher, and Everett, Louella D. Familiar Quotations, A Collection Of Passages, Phrases And Proverbs Traced To Their Sources In Ancient And Modern Literature By John Bartlett, 12th edition. Little, Brown, and Co., 1948.
  3. Wells, Carolyn, and Everett, Louella D. The Cat in Verse. Little, Brown, and Co., 1935.
  4. Everett, Louella D. Home and Holiday Verse. Halcyon House, 1939.
  5. Louella D. Everett Dead at 83; Super Sleuth of Poetry Queries. The New York Times, September 28, 1967.
  6. Wells, Carolyn. The New York Times, September 28, 1967.
  7. Sandow, Alexander, and Thurber, James. The Talk of the Town: Lady Answerer. The New Yorker, September 3, 1932, p. 11.
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