List of ranches, estates and sanctuaries in Taita-Taveta County

The large scale land use units of the Taita-Taveta County consists of 21 ranching units, two wildlife sanctuaries and three sisal estates.[1]

Wildlife sanctuaries


  • Amaka Ranch
  • Bura Ranch
  • Choke Ranch
  • Dawida Ranch
  • Kambanga Ranch
  • Kasigau Ranch
  • Kishushe Cooperative Ranch
  • Kishamba B
  • Kutima Ranch
  • Lualenyi Private Ranch
  • Maungu Ranch
  • Mbale Ranch
  • Mbulia Ranch
  • Mgeno Ranch
  • Mramba Ranch
  • Mwasui Ranch
  • Ndara Ranch
  • Oza Ranch
  • Rukinga Ranch
  • Sagalla Ranch
  • Taita Ranch [Taita Private Ranch]
  • Wushumbu Ranch



  1. Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development: Annual Report on Range Management in Taita/Taveta District. Kenya Government.(2005)
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