List of people from Elgin, Illinois

The following list includes notable people who were born or have lived in Elgin, Illinois. For a similar list organized alphabetically by last name, see the category page People from Elgin, Illinois.

Authors and academics

Business and invention

Jimmy John's Owner

Media and arts


  • Harry Chamberlin, brigadier general; equestrian and Olympic gold medalist (1932)

Politics and law



  1. Althea Legaspi (March 1, 2010). "Alkaline Trio gets back to its roots in Chicago". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2011-06-15. Singer-guitarist Matt Skiba and singer-bassist Dan Andriano took turns on mic ...
  2. Norman Mayell Autobiography; Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  3. 'Illinois Blue Book 1977=1998.' Biographical Sketch of Robert L. Bergman, pg. 96
  4. 'Illinois Blue Book 1993-1994,' Biographical Sketch of Barbara Giolitto, pg. 99
  5. 'Wisconsin Blue Book 2013-2014,' Biographical Sketch of Adam Neylon, pg. 85
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