List of people associated with patent law

This is a list of notable people associated with patent law and patent-related institutions. For a list of notable inventors, see list of inventors. For a list of notable patent attorneys, see list of patent attorneys and agents. For a list of notable patent examiners and clerks, see patent examiner. Although this list is not intended to include inventors, patent attorneys and patent clerks, those may also be inserted in this list if they made a durable impact on patent law, or patent-related institutions.




  • Curchod, François, former Deputy Director General of WIPO




  • Haberman, Mandy, famous British inventor of the Any-way up Cup
  • Haertel, Kurt (1910–2000), considered one of the founding fathers of the European patent system




  • Kappos, David, former Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • Kober, Ingo (born 1942), third president of the European Patent Office
  • Kunin, Stephen, former Deputy Patent Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy, USPTO
  • Kurian P. H., (IAS) Current Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks, India



  • Marchant, Ron, former Comptroller General of Patents, Trade Marks and Designs (UK), also Trade Mark Registrar, Designs Registrar and Chief Executive of the United Kingdom Patent Office, now known as the UK Intellectual Property Office.
  • Markey, Howard T. (1920–2006), first chief justice of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • Messerli, Peter, former Vice-President, head of the DG 3 (Appeals) of the European Patent Office (EPO)
  • Michel, Jacques, former Vice-President DG1 (Operations) of the European Patent Office (EPO)[1] (retired in 2002[2])



  • Ogawa, Hiroshi, former head of Japan Patent Office
  • Ono, Shinjiro, former Deputy commissioner of the Japan Patent Office[3]



  • Quigg, Donald J., former Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of the USPTO (1985–1990); former Deputy Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks (1981–1985); former General Patent Counsel of Phillips Petroleum (1971–1981); associate patent counsel and chief of the legal branch (1954–1971); senior patent attorney, section chief (1950–1954); and staff patent attorney (1945–1950).


  • Giles Sutherland Rich, (1904–1999) United States Judge, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, and United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
  • Rader, Randall (born 1949), federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
  • Rogan, James E. (born 1957), former Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, U.S., and former director of USPTO
  • Ravenhill, Lorna. (born 1971), Project Manager at Royal Holloway University, Wife, Mother, and former student at Queen Mary, University of London
  • Rolla, Joe, current Deputy Patent Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy, USPTO



See also


  1., Jacques Michel. Consulted on October 2, 2008. Archived March 15, 2006, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. "Address delivered by Mr. Jacques Michel to the Administrative Council on 23 October 2002 on the occasion of his retirement". epi Information. European Patent Institute (4/2002): 136–137. 2002.
  3. EPO web site, EPO Scenarios, Shinjiro Ono, Partner, Patent Attorney Yuasa and Hara, Former Deputy Commissioner, Japan Patent Office. Consulted on April 20, 2007.
  4. IP Hall of Fame 2007, Intellectual Asset Management magazine web site, Consulted on March 11, 2008. (details here Archived 2007-10-03 at the Wayback Machine. and here)
  • IP Hall of Fame, web site sponsored by the IAM (Intellectual Asset Management) Magazine
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