List of fictional island countries

This is a list of fictional countries in various media which are said to be located upon islands.


  • Club Penguin: the island featured in the game Club Penguin.
  • Hili-liland: a nation near the South Pole, founded by Ancient Romans, in the 1899 novel A Strange Discovery by Charles Romeyn Dake. It is south of Tsalal and has a more developed civilization. It consists of Hili-li City on Hili-li Island, along with some outlying island colonies.
  • Leaphigh, Leaplow, Leapup, Leapdown, Leapover, Leapthrough, Leaplong, Leapshort, Leapround, Leapunder: ten independent kingdoms in the Antarctic archipelago of the Leap Islands, in the 1835 novel The Monikins by James Fenimore Cooper.
  • Limberwisk: A small island nation between Greenland and Norway with its own native tongue, the Hush language, which is supposed to sound like wind, as well as the Hush people of Limberwisk. The country is based on a modification of Kerguelen Islands. Jan Mayen is also quoted. The nation was created by the YouTube channel "Geography Now" as an April Fool's Day joke for the year of 2018.[1]
  • Captain Nemo's Country: Captain Nemo, the captain of the fictional submarine The Nautilus from the 1870 novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, claimed a fictional representation of what Verne guessed the continent of Antarctica to look like as his own country after journeying there in his submarine. Nemo didn't name his country, but claimed ownership of the land and placed a black flag with a golden N centered on it at the south pole. Verne's fictional continent of Antarctica is described to be covered in a fine gravel of an igneous rock called Tuff, as well as pumice rocks, slag, and lava flows. The land is sparsely vegetated by small plants and lichen. Some of the animal life on and around Verne's Antarctica include several types of birds (large and small), mollusks, fish, walruses, and seals.
  • Tsalal: an island in the 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan Poe and its 1897 sequel An Antarctic Mystery by Jules Verne. It has a tribal society led by a chief, Too-Wit.


  • Birdwell Island: de facto independent island community in the Clifford the Big Red Dog series similar in geography and custom to an island off of the east coast of the United States.
  • Keeshond: The island that the Keeshonds live in “The Adventures Of Tommie Keeshond”.
  • Cairnholm: Island in Wales from the book and movie of the same name Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.
  • Fröland: Island in the North Sea in the Dutch TV series Fröland.
  • Islandia: self-isolated country in Austin Tappan Wright's novel Islandia, although in some languages it literally translates to Iceland.
  • Meropis: A parody of Atlantis created by Theopompus of Chios.
  • Muir Island: A small, fictional island off the northern coast of Scotland in the Marvel Comics universe.
  • Nollop: island state from the novel Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn.
  • Rogue Isles (also known as Etoile Islands): home base of the Arachnos faction in the game City of Heroes.
  • St. Jago: the fictional island setting featured in D.J. Waterford's novel St. JAGO: An Island Conspiracy.
  • Saint Brendan's Island: A phantom island, or mythical island, supposedly situated in the North Atlantic somewhere west of Northern Africa. Discovered by Saint Brendan who founded the monastery at Clonfert, County Galway.
  • Sahrani: A fictional Atlantic island divided into the northern communist Democratic Republic of Sahrani and the oil-rich democratic monarchy of the Kingdom of South Sahrani in the video game Armed Assault.
  • Swallow Falls: A fictional island which has sardines as the basis of its economy, the setting of the book and animated movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
  • Tescala: Atlantic island mentioned in the TV Series CSI: NY by Jerry Bruckheimer. According to the show, this nation joined the UN in 1991 and is a free-trade port.

Caribbean Sea

Indian Ocean



  • Aquabania: located somewhere in the South Pacific, the distant homeland of the members of the superhero-themed band The Aquabats.
  • Baki: homeland of Omio in Madeleine L'Engle's writing, a small island nation once colonised by British.
  • Balnibarbi: land containing the metropolis called Lagado from the book Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
  • Banoi Island: a lush tropical island off the coast of Papua New Guinea and just north of Australia, the setting for Techland and Deep Silver's 2011 game Dead Island.
  • Bensalem: utopian island nation located somewhere off the Western coast of the continent of America from Francis Bacon's New Atlantis.
  • Bora Gora: island setting for the 1982 television show Tales of the Gold Monkey.
  • Caspak: a huge island country located somewhere between South America and Australia from Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Land That Time Forgot and its sequels.
  • Crusoeland: featured in Atoll K, a Laurel and Hardy film.
  • Eleutheria: an island nation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean from the Eleutheria Model Parliament role playing game.
  • Gaaldine: imaginary country from the poems of Brontë sisters, characterized as an island in the North Pacific Ocean south of Gondal.
  • Glubbdubdrib: an island governed by a tribe of magicians. About one third the size of the Isle of Wight. From the book Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
  • Gondal: imaginary country from the poems of Brontë sisters, characterized as an island in the North Pacific Ocean north of Gaaldine.
  • Kinakuta (Queenah-Kootah): island state from Neal Stephenson's novels Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle.
  • Kinkow: Is a fictional Constitutional Elective Diarchy Polynesian island nation from teen sitcom Pair of Kings.
  • Kuril Soviet Socialist Republic: A fictional socialist/communist nation in the Kuril islands and the last remnant of the Soviet Union. Used as an April Fool's Day joke by Wikipedia user Bulbasaurus99.
  • Lian Yu: An Island in the North China Sea. Oliver Queen was stranded on the Island for 5 years in the TV show Arrow.
  • Luggnagg: an island state about 100 leagues southeast from Japan. From the book Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
  • Miliminas (Milimmines): a fictional archipelagic country located in the Pacific Ocean in year 0069 similar to the Philippines before the great flood happened. Their citizens were called "Miliminos", their laws were opposite to the modern Philippine laws.
  • Nim: a natural volcanic island paradise. From the movieNim's Island based on the book by Wendy Orr.
  • Omo Levi: Polynesian island which gains independence from the United Kingdom. Inhabited by cannibals. From the satirical novel A Feast of Freedom by Leonard Wibberley.
  • Panau: an island of the computer game Just Cause 2.
  • Patusan: an island nation somewhere in the South China Sea in the movie Surf Ninjas as well as in the film The Last Electric Knight and the TV series Sidekicks. Also mentioned in Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad.
  • Pelago Commonwealth: a small island nation in Micronesia in the Endless Ocean series. In the European releases, the nation is referred to as the Paoul Republic.
  • Plastic Beach: a floating island made of junk located in Point Nemo. From the visual band Gorillaz it was the main recording studio, and living quarters for the band at the time.
  • Puerto Pollo: A guano island off the coast of Peru mentioned in the short stories of Ralph Ellison and Robert Wyatt
  • Resolution Island: a fictional part of the Galápagos Islands in C S Forester's 1929 novel Brown on Resolution, and the 1935 film of the same name.
  • Rook Islands: The setting of the game Far Cry 3. The Rook Islands are an archipelago consisting of two major islands, three smaller islands and various offshore territories of unknown location.
  • Spensonia: an island between "Utopia and Oceana," where English mariners form a communal society.
  • Taka-Tuka-Land: Astrid Lindgren's third book about Pippi Longstocking mentions a travel to this country, where Pippi's father was a king.
  • Tamoé: South Pacific island nation, featured in Aline and Valcour by the Marquis de Sade.
  • Tanoa: Setting of the ARMA 3 Expansion. It is described as "geotypical Fiji".
  • Toga Toga Islands: South Pacific island nation featured on The A-Team
  • United Regions of Bailey: mid-Pacific nation composed of multiple islands or regions. Capital being North Grandton, Bailey. Nation made up as a April Fool's Day joke.
  • Utopia: South Pacific island nation, featured in the operetta Utopia, Limited by Gilbert and Sullivan.
  • Vanutu: a tiny South Pacific nation comprising four atolls from the novel State of Fear by Michael Crichton.

Other or uncertain

  • August Bank Holiday Island: an island located between Easter Island and Christmas Island whose inhabitants practice black supremacy and unintentionally gain control of the Commonwealth of Nations; appears in The Goodies.
  • Arulco: The setting for the game Jagged Alliance 2, ruled by evil Queen Diedranna after overthrowing the once touristy peaceful land and turning it into a nightmarish police state.
  • Bergen Ait - An uninhabited island in the Baltic Sea used as a British airbase in Biggles in the Baltic.
  • Bright Island: Believed to be off the North-west coast of Australia, mysterious goings on are observed in series one of Sea Patrol (TV series).
  • Cacklogallinia: a kingdom off the coast of South America, from A Voyage to Cacklogallinia by Captain Samuel Brunt.
  • Cap'D'Far: a small island country from an episode of Scarecrow and Mrs. King and their only export is fish bones.
  • Dinotopia: a hidden, utopian island from James Gurney's illustrated books.
  • Flyspeck Island: home of Gunk in the comic strip Curtis.
  • Hudatvia: A large island somewhere in the Middle East that is visited in two episodes of the Gerry Anderson series. Stingray, these being Star of the East and Eastern Eclipse respectively. Hudatvia is an island nation that is perpetually undergoing revolutions thanks to the quarrelling leaders, El Hudat and his brother Ali Khali, suggesting a perpetual civil war. Titan attempts to use Hudatvia as a base for the conquest of the land, but the brother's quarrelling causes his plan to fail.
  • Huella Islands: islands off the coast of Cayenne, mentioned in the Hardy Boys books. They are ruled by dictator Juan Posada and their "spy chief" is named Bedoya. The adjective is Huellan.
  • Khembalung: fictional island nation in Forty Signs of Rain.
  • Malevelosia: an island kingdom filled with supervillains in Justice Squad.
  • Mardi Islands: from Herman Melville's Mardi and a Voyage Thither.
  • Pulau-Pulau Bompa: from The Adventures of Tintin comic Flight 714 to Sydney. The island from which arch-villain Rastapopoulos is carrying out his scheme against millionaire Laszlo Carreidas. Near Indonesia.
  • Mesa de Oro: unstable Latin American island in the Three Young Investigators series. (The name means "golden table" in Spanish.)
  • San Cristobel: tropical island country in The Guiding Light TV series, also the name for a separate fictional nation in the TV series Automan.
  • San Esperito: a South American island nation from the video game Just Cause.
  • San Seriffe: a Fictional island nation featured in an elaborate April Fools' Day hoax on 1 April 1977 in the British newspaper The Guardian. These islands have been reported at several different locations around the globe since 1977.
  • Pokoponesia: island nation from the animated version of The Tick.
  • Samaru Island: Believed to be in Oceania somewhere near Australia and New Zealand, had a political issues with an upcoming election and illegal arms trade in season 2 of Sea Patrol (TV series).
  • Sodor: in the Irish Sea, near the Isle of Man; setting of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends by Rev. W. Awdry.
  • Shwambrania: from Lev Kassil's Konduit (or Black Book) and Shwambrania, an island in the shape of an inverted molar tooth having three roots.
  • Sans the skeleton: from Undertale, an island in the shape of a spookeleton.
  • Elon Musk's Minecraft world: from Minecraft, an island in the shape of a Minecraft world.


  2. Gleisner, T., Cilauro, S. and Sitch, R. (2006) San Sombrèro Melbourne: Working Dog Productions
  3. Paul Barbato (31 March 2015). "Geography Now! Bandiaterra". YouTube.
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