List of ''The Descent'' characters

The Descent is a 2005 British horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall. The film follows six women who, having entered an unmapped cave system, become trapped and are hunted by troglofaunal flesh-eating humanoids. The Descent Part 2 is a 2009 British adventure horror film and a sequel to The Descent.

List of characters

Sarah Carter

Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) appears in both films, The Descent and The Descent Part 2.

Juno Kaplan

Juno (Natalie Mendoza) appears in both films The Descent and The Descent Part 2. Juno is Sarah's best friend at the beginning of the film. She and Sarah's husband share significant looks in the opening sequence, setting up the idea that Sarah's husband had been cheating on her with Juno. A year after Sarah's family are killed in a car crash, Juno decides to take her and a group of their friends on a caving trip in Boreham Caves. She neglects to take a map with her, later explaining that she wanted them to discover a new cave she knew about that was not mapped - and that she wanted to name it after Sarah. Juno accidentally hits Beth in the neck with a pick, leaving her to die. Later, Sarah comes across Juno when they are the only two remaining. She shows Juno a pendant she had found on Beth, subtly telling her that she knows what she did to Beth. It is also suggested she knows about Juno's affair with her husband. Juno is left to die with crawlers.

In the second film she returns, saving Sheriff Vaines from a crawler. She stays with the Sheriff, and appears again when Sarah uses a night vision camera to look around the caves. She attacks Sarah, trying to get revenge for being left for dead, but stops when convinced by Rios that Sarah came back to rescue her. When the Sheriff falls from a steep edge, hurting Sarah as they are handcuffed together, Juno encourages Rios to cut off his arm to save Sarah. Juno, Sarah and Rios try to escape through the crawlers' hunting spot, at Juno's suggestion. When attacked by crawlers, Juno is attacked, and Sarah tries to save her. Juno is killed by a crawler, and Sarah holds her as she dies.

Rebecca Vernet

Rebecca (Saskia Mulder) is a Scandinavian woman and the sister of Sam. She appeared in The Descent. When all the girls head off down the cave and watch Holly (Nora-Jane Noone) and Beth (Alex Reid), Rebecca and her sister Sam head off on their own but they are both captured by a crawler. Juno rescues them both and tell them that they will die if they don't stay quiet. Rebecca, Sam and Juno hears Sarah's cries and Rebecca tells her that Sarah is dead. When Sam dies Rebecca is pulled down the cave and into the end where the crawler eats her up whilst still alive.

Her corpse is later found by Cath in The Descent Part 2.

Sam Vernet

Sam (MyAnna Buring) is Rebecca's younger sister and is training to be a doctor. The group go down in the cave including Sam and when Holly and Beth die, Sam, Rebecca, and Juno do all they can to kill the crawlers. Sam reaches a dead end but tries to survive after hanging on a small piece of rope. She doesn't make it as the crawler slits her throat and hangs in a semicircle. The two weep.


Cath (Anna Skellern) appears in The Descent Part 2. She has a boyfriend named Gregg Joshua Dallas. The six including Cath head down into the cave to spot for the creatures. After Dan dies Cath is blocked by a pile of rubble and forces her way to get out immediately when a Crawler hears her. She frees herself and meets with Gregg on her journey. There Gregg tells her that Dan is dead, Cath doesn't believe him at first, but in time she does. Over a canyon, she finds Sam's MyAnna Buring body hanging lifelessly on a rope, her face decaying. They hear the crawlers approaching and all of sudden Cath jumps on Sam's to try to get to the other side. Indeed, she does when Gregg's neck is slashed and falls down a shaft. She shouts him but no response. Unfortunately a Creature stands before sticking his nails in her stomach, killing her.

Elen Rios

Elen Rios (Krysten Cummings) (known as Rios) appears in The Descent Part 2. She helps Sarah, and insists that the group go down to the cave to see what really went on as Sarah was completely blanked. There Rios keeps Sarah safe. They are the last survivors at the end. When Sarah notices Juno's death, she weeps but Ellen tells them all to get out because they are the only survivors. Rios leaves Sarah and is blocked by the rest of the Crawlers. Sarah reaches her ice pick, and screams to gain Rios' attention in order to escape. She eventually gets out but is stopped by Ed (A mysterious man) who puts her back in the cave ready to be eaten.

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