List of ''Neoempheria'' species

This is a list of 147 species in Neoempheria, a genus of fungus gnats in the family Mycetophilidae.[1][2][3][4]

Neoempheria species

  • Neoempheria acracanthia Wu & Yang, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria amphiphaea Speiser, 1909 c g
  • Neoempheria amurensis Zaitzev, 1994 c g
  • Neoempheria anjouana Matile, 1979 c g
  • Neoempheria aperta Zaitzev & Menzel, 1996 c g
  • Neoempheria apicalis Kertesz, 1909 c g
  • Neoempheria appendiculata Matile, 1973 c g
  • Neoempheria balioptera (Loew, 1869) i c g b
  • Neoempheria basalis (Brunetti, 1912) c g
  • Neoempheria beijingana Wu & Yang, 1993 c g
  • Neoempheria biceltisuta g
  • Neoempheria bidentata Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria bifascipennis (Brunetti, 1912) c g
  • Neoempheria bifida Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria biflagellata Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria bifurcata g
  • Neoempheria bilobata Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria bimaculata (Roser, 1840) c g
  • Neoempheria bipectinata Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria bisecuriata g
  • Neoempheria bispinosa Sasakawa, 2005 c g
  • Neoempheria borgmeieri Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria boubya Matile, 1973 c g
  • Neoempheria bradleyi Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria brasiliensis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria brevicauda Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria brevilineata Okada, 1939 c g
  • Neoempheria brevispathulata g
  • Neoempheria carinata g
  • Neoempheria caudalis (Edwards, 1931) c g
  • Neoempheria cincta Shaw, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria comes Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria costalimai Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria costaricensis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria cotyla Sasakawa, 2005 c g
  • Neoempheria cuneata g
  • Neoempheria cyphia Wu & Yang, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria defectiva (Edwards, 1931) c g
  • Neoempheria defleta Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria denticulata g
  • Neoempheria didyma Loew, 1869 i c g
  • Neoempheria dilatata g
  • Neoempheria dizonalis (Edwards, 1931) c g
  • Neoempheria donskoffi Matile, 1973 c g
  • Neoempheria dziedzickii Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria echinata Wu & Yang, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria ecuadorensis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria ediya Matile, 1973 c g
  • Neoempheria enderleini Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria evanescens Enderlein, 1910 c g
  • Neoempheria faceta Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria fallax Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria ferruginea (Brunetti, 1912) c
  • Neoempheria flavicornis Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria flavicoxa Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria flavida Matile, 1973 c g
  • Neoempheria forficulata g
  • Neoempheria formosensis Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892 c g
  • Neoempheria fujiana Yang & Wu, 1991 c g
  • Neoempheria gainesvillensis Khalaf, 1971 i c g
  • Neoempheria glochis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria goiana Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria griseipennis Strobl, 1910 c g
  • Neoempheria horrens Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria illustris Johannsen, 1910 i c g b
  • Neoempheria impatiens Johannsen, 1910 i c g
  • Neoempheria indulgens Johannsen, 1910 i c g
  • Neoempheria insignis (Winnertz, 1863) c g
  • Neoempheria jamaicensis Coher, 1961 c g
  • Neoempheria jeanneli Edwards, 1914 c g
  • Neoempheria jilinana Wu & Yang, 1993 c g
  • Neoempheria johannseni (Enderlein, 1910) c g
  • Neoempheria jugalis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria kaestneri Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria lanei Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria larifuga Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria latisternata g
  • Neoempheria levir Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria lindneri Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria lineola (Meigen, 1818) c g
  • Neoempheria longiseta Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria luederwaldti Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria lutzi Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria macularis Johannsen, 1910 i c g b
  • Neoempheria maculipennis Williston, 1896 c g
  • Neoempheria magna Wu & Yang, 1993 c g
  • Neoempheria medialis (Edwards, 1931) c g
  • Neoempheria merogena Yang & Wu, 1993 c g
  • Neoempheria mirabila Wu & Yang, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria moheliana Matile, 1979 c g
  • Neoempheria monticola Wu, 1999 c g
  • Neoempheria muelleri Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria muticata g
  • Neoempheria neivai Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria nepticula (Loew, 1869) i c g
  • Neoempheria ombrophila Matile & Delobel, 1976 c g
  • Neoempheria ornata Okada, 1938 c g
  • Neoempheria ornatipennis (Enderlein, 1910) c g
  • Neoempheria panamensis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria paulensis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria pereirai Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria pervulgata Wu, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria philipsi Shaw, 1951 c g
  • Neoempheria pictipennis (Haliday, 1833) c g
  • Neoempheria pilosa Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria platycera Wu, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria plaumanni Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria pleurotivora Sasakawa, 1979 c g
  • Neoempheria portoricensis Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria propinqua (Meijere, 1907) c g
  • Neoempheria proxima (Winnertz, 1863) c g
  • Neoempheria puncticoxa Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria rabelloi Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria rostrata Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria sakhalinensis Zaitzev, 2001 c g
  • Neoempheria separata Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria setulosa Wu, 1999 c g
  • Neoempheria shannoni Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria signifera Skuse, 1890 c g
  • Neoempheria simplex Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria sinica Wu & Yang, 1993 c g
  • Neoempheria smarti Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria socia Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria spinosa Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria striata (Meigen, 1818) c g
  • Neoempheria stubbsi Sevcik & Papp, 2003 c g
  • Neoempheria subclavata Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria subfallax Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria subhorrens Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria sublevir Coher, 1959 c g
  • Neoempheria subproxima Zaitzev, 2001 c g
  • Neoempheria subulata Wu & Yang, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria tarsata (Winnertz, 1863) c g
  • Neoempheria tetraphaea Shaw, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria tinctipennis (Brunetti, 1912) c g
  • Neoempheria transvaalensis Vaisanen, 1994 c g
  • Neoempheria triloba Wu & Yang, 1995 c g
  • Neoempheria tropica (Doleschall, 1857) c g
  • Neoempheria tuomikoskii Vaisanen, 1982 c g
  • Neoempheria unifascipennis (Senior-White, 1922) c g
  • Neoempheria unispinosa Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria varipennis Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892 c g
  • Neoempheria vicina Colless, 1966 c g
  • Neoempheria vogeli Edwards, 1940 c g
  • Neoempheria wangi Yang & Wu, 1993 c g
  • Neoempheria winnertzi Edwards, 1913 c g
  • Neoempheria zeteki Coher, 1959 c g

Data sources: i = ITIS[1], c = Catalogue of Life[2], g = GBIF[3], b =[4]


  1. 1 2 "Neoempheria Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
  2. 1 2 "Browse Neoempheria". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
  3. 1 2 "Neoempheria". GBIF. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
  4. 1 2 "Neoempheria Genus Information". Retrieved 2018-04-30.
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