Laetitiae sanctae

Laetitiae sanctae
Latin : Of holy praise
Encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII
Date 8 September 1893
Argument Commending Devotion to the Rosary
Encyclical number 48 of 85 of the pontificate

Laetitiae sanctae is an encyclical on devotion to the rosary by Pope Leo XIII, known as the "Rosary Pope". It was issued on September 8, 1893 in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.[1]

In Laetitiae sanctae, Leo XIII wrote that he was "convinced that the rosary, if devoutly used, is of benefit not only to the individual but society at large".[2]

Leo sees three influences undermining the tranquility of society. First, the distaste for the simple and life; secondly, repugnance to suffering of any kind; thirdly, the forgetfulness of the future life. "[W]e have constantly besought citizens who were conspicuous by genius, industry, family, or fortune, to join together in common counsel and action to safeguard and to promote whatever would tend to the strength and well-being of the community."[3]

He sees a disdain of the simple life leading to jealousy, the trampling of rights, "...and "finally, the people, betrayed in their expectations, attack public order, and place themselves in conflict with those who are charged to maintain it."[4] He offers, in contrast, the House of Nazareth, contemplated in the Joyful Mysteries as " all-perfect model of domestic society!"[5]

An abhorrence of all that is inconvenient or hard to endure leads people to avoid doing what is right. Leo finds support for the virtues of patience and fortitude in a consideration of the Sorrowful Mysteries.

See also


  1. The Catholic Almanac's Guide to the Church by Matthew Bunson 2001 ISBN 0-87973-914-2 page 108
  2. The Catholic Answer Book of Mary by Peter M. J. Stravinskas 2000 ISBN 0-87973-347-0 page 135
  3. Pope Leo XIII, Laetitiae sanctae, September 8, 1893, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
  4. Laetitiae sanctae", §5.
  5. Laetitiae sanctae", §6.
  • Vatican website: Laetitiae sanctae

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