Leichter Kampfwagen LKI
Type Light tank
Place of origin German Empire
Service history
Used by German Empire
Weight 6.9 t
Length 5.1 m
Width 1.9 m
Height 2.5 m
Crew 3

Armor 814 mm
1 × 7.92 mm [MG 08] machine gun
Engine Daimler-Benz 4-cylinder
60 hp (44.7 kW)
Suspension unsprung
70 km
Speed 1418 km/h

The Leichter Kampfwagen (English: light combat car) or "LK I" was a German light tank prototype of the First World War. Designed to be a cheap light tank as opposed to the expensive heavies coming into service at the time. The tank only reached the prototype stage before the end of the war.


The LK I was designed by Joseph Vollmer. It was based on a Daimler car chassis, using the existing axles to mount sprocket and idler wheels. Its design followed automobile practice, with a front-mounted engine and a driving compartment behind it. It was the first German armored fighting vehicle to be equipped with a turret, armed with a 7.92 mm MG08 machine gun.

Only two prototypes were produced in mid 1918, but no vehicles were ordered.[1] It was designed as an experimental cavalry tank to pave the way to LK II.[2]


  1. Õun, Mati (1998). Wermachti tankid. Väike tankiõpik vana sõjatehnika huvilisele. Tallinn: Tammiskilp. p. 5.
  2. Chant, Christopher (2002). World Encyclopedia of the Tank. Second edition. England: Sutton Publishing. p. 46. ISBN 0-7509-3147-7.
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