Kristian Hamon

Kristian Hamon

Kristian Hamon is a Breton and French historian whose work focuses on collaboration in Brittany during World War II.[1]

Career in journalism

After a brief membership of Jeune Bretagne, which he denounced as right-wing,[2] he joined the Breton Communist Party in 1973. At the end of the 1970s, he joined Canard de Nantes à Brest, worked for Libération in 1981, and then Lyon-Libération. At the end of the 1980s, he joined the daily newspaper the Var-Matin (Toulon). He also worked for a spell in publishing (Dargaud, Le Lombard).

Research into the second world war in Brittany

He later returned to his studies, studying his master's (at L'Ouest-Éclair) on the German Occupation of France, receiving permission to study the department archives of Ille-et-Vilaine and focusing on the activities of the Parti national breton penduring the Second World War.


  • Michel Lagrée, Patrick Harismendy and Michel Denis, L'Ouest-Eclair. Naissance et essor d'un grand quotidien régional, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2000.
  • Le Relecq-Kerhuon, Les nationalistes bretons sous l'occupation
  • Yoran Embanner, Le Bezen Perrot : 1944, des nationalistes bretons sous l'uniforme allemand
  • Skol Vreizh, Agents du Reich en Bretagne


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