Keelaparasalur Veerateswarar Temple

The entrance of the temple

Keelaparasalur Veerateswarar Temple (கீழப்பரசலூர் வீரட்டேஸ்வரர் கோயில்)[1] is a Hindu temple located at Keelaparasalur in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India. The historical name of the place is Tirupparialur.[2] The presiding deity is Shiva. He is called as Veerateswarar. His consort is known as Ilam Kobanayal.


It is one of the shrines of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams - Shiva Sthalams glorified in the early medieval Tevaram poems by Tamil Saivite Nayanar Tirugnanasambandar.

Literary Mention

Tirugnanasambandar describes the feature of the deity as:[3]


  • "Sri Veerateswarar temple". Dinamalar.
  • "Veerateswarar Temple, Tiruppariyalur (now known as Parasalur)". Shiva Temples of Tamilnadu, Paadal Petra Sivasthalangal.

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