Juan Bonilla (writer)

Juan Bonilla (born 1966) is a Spanish writer.[1] He was born in Jerez de la Frontera. He has published several collections of short stories, including Tanta gente sola (Seix Barral, 2009), and Una manada de ñus(Pre-Textos, 2013). As a novelist, his notable works include Nadie conoce a nadie (Ediciones B, 1996), which was turned into a successful film by Mateo Gil, and Los príncipes nubios (Seix Barral, 2003), which won the Premio Biblioteca Breve in 2003.[2] Los príncipes nubios has also been translated into several languages; the French version won the Prix littéraire des Jeunes européens in 2009.

Bonilla has also published works of non-fiction, notably a biography of the writer Terenci Moix, titled La vida es un sueño pop. Vida y obra de Terenci Moix (RBA, 2012). This book won the Premio Gaziel de Biografías y Memorias in 2011. Bonilla's latest novel Prohibido entrar sin pantalones (Seix Barral, 2013) treats the Russian avant-garde poet Vladimir Mayakovsky as its subject. The novel has received extravagant critical praise and won the I Premio Bienal de Novela Vargas Llosa to the best novel published in Spanish in 2012/2013. He has compiled his poems in the volume Hecho en falta (Visor, 2014). The collection 'Six stories' is available in English.

  • Juan Bonilla: Six stories, Ankor Wat Words Collection, Dark Mirror Editions, 2004 (translated from Spanish by Rupert Glasgow).


  1. Bio
  2. Obiols, Isabel (5 February 2003). "Juan Bonilla gana el Biblioteca Breve con 'Los príncipes nubios'" [Juan Bonilla Wins the Biblioteca Breve with 'Los príncipes nubios']. El País (in Spanish). Barcelona. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
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