Janine Wissler

Janine Wissler
Janine Wissler in 2018
Born Janine Wißler[1]
Residence Frankfurt am Main[2]
Other names Janine Wissler
Occupation Politician
Years active since 2008

Janine Wissler (born 23.05.1981 in Langen) is a politician in the parliament for the State of Hesse (Hessischer Landtag) in Germany. She is the parliamentary leader of The Left Party (Die Linke) in the State parliament.

Education and Personal life

Ms. Wissler received her Abitur in 2001 (German equivalent to A-levels). From 2001 until 2012 she enrolled as a student with the University of Frankfurt (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) and received a Diplom degree in politics (Diplom-Politologin). Her thesis topic was "Liberalization and remunicipalisation of the energy sector." (in German: "Liberalisierung und Rekommunalisierung der Energieversorgung.)"[3]

She is not married (as of 28.2.2018).[4]


She has been a member of the state Parliament since 5. April, 2008. From 5 April 2008 until 2 February 2009 Wissler was the vice parliamentary leader for her party's group. On 3 February 2009 she became the parliamentary group leader. From 10 May 2014 onwards, she was elected as a vice chairperson (one of four) of her party.[5] Wissler ran for Frankfurt am Main mayor in 2012 and 2018.[6]

She was elected to be her party's front runner (together with Jan Schalauske) for the upcoming state election in October 2018.[7]


  1. https://twitter.com/Janine_Wissler/status/967754558284935168
  2. http://ob18.die-linke-frankfurt.de/ueber-mich/
  3. https://hds.hebis.de/ubffm/Record/HEB310220270
  4. https://hessischer-landtag.de/content/janine-wissler
  5. http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/im-portraet-janine-wissler-klassenkaempferin-im-parlament-12934641.html
  6. http://www.fr.de/frankfurt/ob-wahl-frankfurt/ob-wahl-in-frankfurt-janine-wissler-sehr-zufrieden-a-1455852
  7. Presse, Frankfurter Neue. "Linke wählt Wissler und Schalauske zu Spitzenkandidaten | Frankfurter Neue Presse" (in German). Retrieved 2018-04-30.
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