Islamic Union of Hong Kong

Islamic Union of Hong Kong
Headquarters Ammar Mosque and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre

The Islamic Union of Hong Kong (Chinese: 香港伊斯蘭聯會) is an Islamic charitable and non-profit organisation in Hong Kong, China. The headquarters of the union is at the Ammar Mosque and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre.[1]


The organisation was founded around 80 years ago by Muslims from South Asia and Maritime Southeast Asia who were in British Hong Kong to trade with the Republic of China. In 1980, the constitution of the organisation was revised to fulfill the requirements for incorporation as a legal entity under The Companies Ordinance of the British Hong Kong government.[2]


The organisation has over 700 Muslim members from different nationalities, including Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Malaysian and British. The organisation upholds the non-discriminatory policy towards its members as stipulated in the Quran that racial discrimination should not be practised in Islam and stress the unity among Muslims.


The organisation aims include:

  • Improving the general welfare of Muslims in Hong Kong
  • Promoting and fostering the practice of Islamic principles
  • Spreading, expounding and propagating the truth of Islamic knowledge
  • Establishing and maintaining homes and hostels for Muslims in need
  • Establishing and operating schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics and homes for the aged and any other charitable and educational institute which the Union shall think fit
  • Preparing, printing and publishing any periodical, book, circular, leaflet or other literature which may be thought desirable for the promotion of the interests of the Union and its members and others interested in the objects of the Union, and to distribute among its members and others information and statistics on all matters affecting the said objects, and in this or other activities undertake the duties of advertising and publicity agents
  • Accepting donations, contributions of books, articles, furniture, building, land, money and other properties from any person, corporation or government for such purpose as are within the objectives of the Union
  • Investing and dealing with the money of the Union not immediately required, upon such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined


The organisation regularly holds various types of classes, such as sewing, dawah, embroidery, handicraft, computer, English language, martial arts, Quran, Adhan etc. in several languages, such as English, Indonesian, Chinese and Filipino.[3]

See also


  1. "Contact Us". Retrieved 2014-04-21.
  2. "History of Muslim in Hong Kong". Retrieved 2014-04-21.
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