International Association of Culinary Professionals

The International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) is a United States-based not-for-profit professional association whose members work in culinary education, communication, or the preparation of food and beverage.

The organization's self-stated mission: “IACP serves as a resource and support system for food professionals worldwide. Its mission is to help its members achieve career success ethically, responsibly and professionally.”


The IACP Cookbook Awards are presented annually to honor excellence in cookbook writing and publishing. They were previously called "Tastemaker's" awards.

The IACP also presents the Bert Greene Awards for food journalism, in magazine, internet, and newspaper categories. The IACP also gives out Awards of Excellence to individuals and organizations in a number of categories.

In June 2013, the IACP was inducted into the Culinary Hall of Fame.[1][2]


The organization was formed in 1978, as Association of Cooking Schools (ACS), and incorporated in 1979. The name changed to International Association of Cooking Schools (IACS) in 1981.

In 2011, Martha Holmberg, a cookbook author and food writer, was named chief executive officer.[3][4][5]

By 1987 the association had expanded its reach to include international members and renamed itself the “International Association of Cooking Professionals." In 1990, the association merged with the “Food Marketing Communicators” organization and again changed its name, to the “International Association of Culinary Professionals.” Since 1990, the association sponsored conferences in New Orleans, Philadelphia, Chicago, Portland, Providence, Baltimore, Dallas, and Seattle.


  1. Culinary Hall of Fame
  2. Crystal, Becky (March 29, 2015). "Local authors are among IACP award winners announced in Washington". Washington Post.
  3. Kamila, Avery Yale (July 20, 2016). "Plentiful plant-eating choices in a crowded field of cookbooks". Portland (ME) Press Herald.
  4. Cole, Katherine (June 19, 2017). "'The Four Top': Cannabis In The Kitchen". OPB.
  5. Bowling, Kaitlin (February 20, 2017). "International culinary conference will get a taste of Louisville".
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