Indus Business Academy, Bangalore

Indus Business Academy
Type Private business school
Established 2001
Director Dr. Subhash Sharma
Location Bangalore, India

Indus Business Academy, Bangalore (IBA), formerly known as Indian Business Academy, is a business school in India.

The IBA campus is situated near the Art of Living ashram in Bangalore. Indus Business Academy (IBA- formerly Indian Business Academy) has been Ranked '8th' by Competition Success Review (CSR) - GHRDC All India Survey in 2011, rated 'A++' Category B-School by Business India All India Survey in 2011 and ranked '30th' by SiliconIndia in 2011, comprehensive salary and career growth survey of management graduates from TOP 100 B-Schools of India. ‘2nd’ in Karnataka by The New Indian Express-South India. ‘4th’ in South India by Dainik Bhaskar B-School Survey 2011. IBA, Bangalore is also listed among Fastest Growing Private Institutes in Asia by KPMG – WCRC 2014 Survey.

Mr. P.S. Jitesh, notable alumni of Indus Business Academy, Bangalore joined Omnicom Media Group, Malaysia as Head of Investment.[1]


It is one of the leading B-Schools in Bangalore organizing various events, festivals in its campus every year and one of them is International Conference.[2] It was suggested in the year 2008 by Director Dr.Subhash Sharma [3] continued and organized every year by one the experienced professor of Indus Business Academy Bangalore Prashant Kulkarni. This Conference is different from all other conferences as it had different theme the year it began and it is continuing .It is one of the open platform which gives opportunity to everyone for expressing their opinion, point of view through an interactive session among all the experienced dignitary's, professors and students. A great chance for all the PHD holder's to submit their research paper and give presentation.

2009(Emergent Business Models and Strategies for the Knowledge Economy)

The first official International Conference organized by IBA in its campus for three days 19-11-2009 to 21-11-2009 with a theme of developing different models in which all the corporate, dignitaries,speakers, experienced faculties and students had a common debate and discussion.The point of view on, how can they overcome the problems and challenges faced by the team while working. One of the greatest opportunity we grabbed was getting a practical exposure on how business model works as PHD students shared their experiences.[4]

2010(Indian Management for Global Effectiveness: Insights from Mahabharata)

As time flies there is always some development around which is always beneficial to all of us especially if its related to academics,and when the awareness and knowledge is being generated which matters that how skill sets are important especially in 21st century when we enter the corporate world. The knowledge given by the intellectual and experienced person Swami Bodhanand Saraswathi( spiritual director and founder) the Sambodh society Inc and Prof.Keyur Thakur(I.I.M,Indore), from 19-2-2010 to 21-2-2010 which helped us in getting an overall idea that why now enhancing skills is important in work not only, individually it is also important on the other hand as a professional we must know how to work in groups, and how a task can be completed successfully if all the team members give 100%.[5]

2011( Evolving Frontiers on Business-Society-Nation Interfaces)

Globalization has played an important role in the life's of human beings since 21st century. One of the important challenges faced by the global world is cyber leaks leading to manipulating,change in the various policies mentioned by the companies as a firm and the various rules and regulations to be followed by all the employees. The reactions of the people have led to various implications, affecting the various opportunities missed out by the company which they had a chance to grab. So they could lead to greater heights, change in various models which affected the companies new opportunities which were coming on way. Overall everyone's opinion and point of view was how challenges posed before India's upward thrust in knowledge area.[6]

2012( Locating Thought Currents and Thought Leadership in Business Governance and Society)

The event was organized from 29-3-12 to 31-3-12 in Indus Business Academy which had various change in the dynamic system,be it related or unrelated.Anna Hazare Movement one of the major topic which was a reason of debate and discussion among people.There were Societal disclosure which got discourse in three forms:-[7]

  1. Enlisting the fittest industrial information for mass media,in which economy could reflect its corporate black bush through TRIPS,strengthen regions,patent rolls,knowledge role,knowledge games.
  2. Communism is considered as a discourse,and how an individual has accepted it as a challenge.Evidences presented by internet based business models for public sphare generative.
  3. Liberation from oppression either through violent manifestations or through non-violent movement.

2013( Situating New Management Philosophy: Nature, Mind and Technology)

Capitalism falling apart,human relations and corporate connections have leaped over national boundaries as environs and economic challenges have always thought about global population.The theme chosen for the purpose is nature,mind and technology.As technology plays a major role in our life's,one of the major question is how to manage relationship between these so that man and his place are in nature are not only sustained but enhanced and developed to a higher degree.

Challenges to public sphere through generative internet based business models and his place in nature are not only sustained but enhanced developed.

India's soft power let to the unique contribution of global society in general and US in particular.The emergence of knowledge professionals in current era let to interest of spiritual tradition.Model of soft power,essentially rooted in the mind,trickling up to the upper echelons of the society.

One of the most silencers are western thinkers were attracting serious attention.

Image and significance were in the form of nature,technology,mind.

  • Image:-Image of the Earth, the outer circle.
  • Technology-Inner circle,one of man’s highest scientific achievements,discovery of the very origin of the universe.
  • Discovery of very origin of the universe – Technology as management tool.

2014(Moving Towards Harmonic Society: Envisioning Management, Leadership and Consciousness in 21st Century)

In the current age of man-made turbulence, need for moving towards Harmony is felt across the world.Impact of violence and turbulence is becoming self-evident across the nations and businesses.For security impact of violence and turbulence is becoming self-evident across the nations and business,have to spend extraordinary amounts for ensuring their security.The world needs has a new thinking, a new paradigm and a vision for going beyond existing isms and ideas.For moving towards harmonic society, there is an urgent need to address the issue of harmony in terms of transformation of mindset from violence to non-violence and design new institutional structures and systems.It requires a new revolution in thinking about Management, Leadership and Consciousness and Indian tradition can contribute significantly in developing new frameworks for the same.In 2012, Global Harmony Association brought out a book under the title ABC of Harmony where in there are some glimpses of harmony without hierarchy. For any idea to take deeper roots, we need to view it from various perspectives such as Philosophical, Scientific, Psycho-spiritual and Mystical. Such a perspective leads us to an Integrative and Integral view for creating a new social vision. The idea of ‘Harmonic Globalization’ represented by four lions metaphor drawn from Indian tradition provides us a new basis for developing some new perspectives for moving towards ‘harmony without hierarchy’ through new understanding and new mantras of Management, Leadership and Conscious.

  2. "Indus Business Academy".
  3. "Dr.Subhash Sharma".
  4. "International Conference 2009 - IBA (Indus Business Academy)". IBA (Indus Business Academy). Retrieved 2016-02-28.
  5. "International Conference 2010 - IBA (Indus Business Academy)". IBA (Indus Business Academy). Retrieved 2016-02-28.
  6. "International Conference 2011 - IBA (Indus Business Academy)". IBA (Indus Business Academy). Retrieved 2016-02-28.
  7. "International Conference on Evolving Frontiers in Business-Society-Nation Interfaces March 10–12 | INDIA CSR | India's Largest CSR News Network". Retrieved 2016-03-02.

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