
Hypsolebias brunoi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cyprinodontiformes
Family: Aplocheilidae
Genus: Hypsolebias
W. J. E. M. Costa, 2006
Type species
Cynolebias flavicaudatus
W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil 1990

Hypsolebias is a genus of fish in the family Aplocheilidae native to South America.

Caudal fin of males of H. magnificus complex
H. magnificus male
Male H. shibattai, ancestor collected in Bom Jesus da Lapa
H. hamadryades holotypes A. Male. B. Female


They are 47 currently recognized species in this genus:

  • Hypsolebias adornatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2000)
  • Hypsolebias alternatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1994)
  • Hypsolebias antenori (Tulipano, 1973)
  • Hypsolebias auratus (W. J. E. M. Costa & D. T. B. Nielsen, 2000)
  • Hypsolebias brunoi (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2003)
  • Hypsolebias caeruleus W. J. E. M. Costa, 2013 [1]
  • Hypsolebias carlettoi (W. J. E. M. Costa & D. T. B. Nielsen, 2004)
  • Hypsolebias coamazonicus W. J. E. M. Costa, Amorim & Bragança, 2014 [2]
  • Hypsolebias delucai (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2003)
  • Hypsolebias faouri Britzke, D. T. B. Nielsen & C. de Oliveira, 2016 [3]
  • Hypsolebias fasciatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 2006)
  • Hypsolebias flagellatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2003)
  • Hypsolebias flammeus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 1989)
  • Hypsolebias flavicaudatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1990)
  • Hypsolebias fulminantis (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1993)
  • Hypsolebias ghisolfii (W. J. E. M. Costa, Cyrino & D. T. B. Nielsen, 1996)
  • Hypsolebias gibberatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 2006)
  • Hypsolebias gilbertobrasili W. J. E. M. Costa, 2012 [4]
  • Hypsolebias guanambi W. J. E. M. Costa & Amorim, 2011
  • Hypsolebias harmonicus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2010)
  • Hypsolebias hellneri (Berkenkamp, 1993)
  • Hypsolebias igneus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2000)
  • Hypsolebias janaubensis (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2006)
  • Hypsolebias longignatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2008)
  • Hypsolebias lopesi (D. T. B. Nielsen, Shibatta, Suzart & A. F. Martín, 2010)
  • Hypsolebias macaubensis (W. J. E. M. Costa & Suzart, 2006)
  • Hypsolebias magnificus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1991)
  • Hypsolebias marginatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1996)
  • Hypsolebias martinsi Britzke, D. T. B. Nielsen & C. de Oliveira, 2016 [3]
  • Hypsolebias mediopapillatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2006)
  • Hypsolebias multiradiatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1994)
  • Hypsolebias nielseni (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2005)
  • Hypsolebias nitens W. J. E. M. Costa, 2012 [4]
  • Hypsolebias notatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, Lacerda & G. C. Brasil, 1990)
  • Hypsolebias nudiorbitatus W. J. E. M. Costa, 2011 [5]
  • Hypsolebias ocellatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, D. T. B. Nielsen & De Luca, 2001)
  • Hypsolebias picturatus (W. J. E. M. Costa, 2000)
  • Hypsolebias pterophyllus W. J. E. M. Costa, 2012 [4]
  • Hypsolebias radiosus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 2004)
  • Hypsolebias radiseriatus W. J. E. M. Costa, 2012 [4]
  • Hypsolebias rufus (W. J. E. M. Costa, D. T. B. Nielsen & De Luca, 2001)
  • Hypsolebias sertanejo W. J. E. M. Costa, 2012 [4]
  • Hypsolebias shibattai D. T. B. Nielsen, M. Martins, L. M. de Araújo & Suzart, 2014 [6]
  • Hypsolebias similis (W. J. E. M. Costa & Hellner, 1999)
  • Hypsolebias stellatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1994)
  • Hypsolebias tocantinensis D. T. B. Nielsen, J. C. da Cruz & A. C. Baptista, 2012 [7]
  • Hypsolebias trifasciatus D. T. B. Nielsen, M. Martins, L. M. de Araújo, F. O. de Lira & A. F. Martín, 2014 [8]
  • Hypsolebias trilineatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 1994)
  • Hypsolebias virgulatus (W. J. E. M. Costa & G. C. Brasil, 2006)


  1. Costa, W.J.E.M. (2013): Hypsolebias caeruleus, a new seasonal killifish of the Hypsolebias adornatus complex from the Caatinga of north-eastern Brazil, São Francisco River basin (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (2): 141-146.
  2. Costa, W.J.E.M., Amorim, P.F. & Bragança, P.H.N. (2014): Species limits and phylogenetic relationships of red-finned cryptic species of the seasonal killifish genus Hypsolebias from the Brazilian semi-arid Caatinga (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 52 (1): 52-58.
  3. 1 2 Britzke, R., Nielsen, D.T.B. & Oliveira, C. (2016): Description of two new species of annual fishes of the Hypsolebias antenori species group (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), from Northeast Brazil. Zootaxa, 4114 (2): 123–138.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Costa, W.J.E.M., Amorim, P.F. & Mattos, J.L.O. (2012): Species delimitation in annual killifishes from the Brazilian Caatinga, the Hypsolebias flavicaudatus complex (Cypriniformes: Rivulidae): implications for taxonomy and conservation. Systematics and Biodiversity, 10 (1): 71-91.
  5. Costa, W.J.E.M. (2011): Hypsolebias nudiorbitatus, a new seasonal killifish from the Caatinga of northeastern Brazil, Itapicuru River basin (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22 (3): 221-226.
  6. Nielsen, D.T.B., Martins, M., Araujo, L.M.d. & Suzart, R.d.R. (2014): Hypsolebias shibattai, a new species of annual fish (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from the rio São Francisco basin, northeastern Brazil. aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 20 (1): 27-34.
  7. Nielsen, D.T.B., Cruz, J.C. & Baptista, A.C.Jr. (2012): A new species of annual fish, Hypsolebias tocantinensis sp.n. (Cyprinodontiformes:Rivulidae) from the rio Tocantins basin, northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 3527: 63–71.
  8. Nielsen, D.T.B., Martins, M., Araujo, L.M.d., Lira, F.O.d. & Faour, A. (2014): Hypsolebias trifasciatus, a new species of annual fish (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from the rio Preto, rio São Francisco basin, northeastern Brazil. aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 20 (3): 131-138.
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