
Hwasong 6
Service history
Used by North Korea, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Myanmar
Wars Yemeni Civil War (2015-present)
Production history
Manufacturer North Korea/Iran/Syria/Myanmar
Length 12 m
Diameter 0.88 m
Warhead One

Engine liquid
500 km (310 mi)[1]

The Hwasong-6 (Chosŏn'gŭl: 화성 6; Hancha: 火星 6) is a North Korean tactical ballistic missile. It is derived from the Hwasong-5, itself a derivative of the Soviet R-17 Elbrus. It carries the NATO reporting name Scud.


Work on an extended-range version of the Hwasong-5 began in 1988, and with only relatively minor modifications, a new type was produced from 1989, designated Hwasong-6 ("Scud Mod. C" or "Scud-C"). It was first tested in June 1990, and entered full-scale production the same year, or in 1991. It was superseded by the Rodong-1.

To increase range over its predecessor, the Hwasong-6 has its payload decreased to 770 kg (1,700 lb) and the length of the rocket body extended to increase the propellant by 25%; accuracy is 700–1,000 meters circular error probability (CEP).[2][3][4] Such range is sufficient to strike targets as far away as western Japan. Its dimensions are identical to the original Hwasong-5. Due to difficulties in procuring MAZ-543 TELs, mobile launchers were produced in North Korea. By 1999, North Korea was estimated to have produced 600 to 1,000 Hwasong-6 missiles, of which 25 had been launched in tests, 300 to 500 had been exported, and 300 to 600 were in service with the Korean People's Army.[5]

Variant with terminal maneuverability was tested in May 2017.[6]


The Hwasong-6 was exported to Iran, where it is designated as the Shahab-2, to Syria, where it is manufactured under licence with Chinese assistance[5] and to Yemen.[7] Uncertain status of Hwasong-6 export to Vietnam.[8]

See also


  1. https://www.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/Military_and_Security_Developments_Involving_the_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of_Korea_2015.PDF
  2. Hwasong-6 (Scud-C) short-range tactical ballistic missile - Armyrecognition.com
  3. ‘Scud C’ Variant (Hwasong 6) - Missilethreat.csis.org
  4. Scud-C Variant (Hwasong 6) - Missiledefenseadvocacy.org
  5. 1 2 Bermudez, Joseph S. (1999). "A History of Ballistic Missile Development in the DPRK: Longer Range Designs, 1989-Present". James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. Archived from the original on 2013-04-18. Retrieved 2008-02-14.
  6. https://thediplomat.com/2017/09/introducing-the-kn21-north-koreas-new-take-on-its-oldest-ballistic-missile/
  7. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/how-did-the-houthis-manage-to-lob-a-ballistic-missile-at-mecca-dfb568cb8242
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/ArmsControlWonk/status/974686166313189377
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