Holborn 9100

Holborn 9100
Developer Holborn
Manufacturer Holborn
Type Personal computer
Generation 8-bit
Release date United Kingdom: 1981 (1981)
Retail availability 1981–1983
Discontinued 1983
Units sold 200 approx
Media 8-inch floppy disk
Operating system CP/M, Holborn OS
CPU Z80 @ 3.5 MHz and equivalent
Memory 72 KB / 220 KB 

The Holborn 9100 was a personal computer introduced in 1981 by a small Dutch company called Holborn, designed by H.A. Polak. Very few of these devices were sold with Holborn going into bankruptcy on the 27 April 1983 [1].


  • 30MB Hard Disk drive
  • Light pen


  1. "Holborn computers". technisch museum. Retrieved 29 June 2017.
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