Heinrich Vogel

Heinrich Vogel (April 9, 1902 – December 26, 1989) was an evangelical theologian, poet of sacred texts and songs and composer of numerous motets and chamber music.[1][2][3] He studied theology at the University of Berlin and the University of Jena. In 1927 he became a minister in Oderberg. He was a professor of systematic theology at Humboldt University in East Berlin in 1948 and co-founder of the Christian Peace Conference(CFK).[4] His theological method was Christocentric word theology (christozentrische Worttheologie). Vogel was married since 1928 with his wife Irmgard (died 1980), with whom he had seven children.


  1. Jüngel, Eberhard (2014-11-20). Theological Essays II. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9780567659873.
  2. Auszug aus Franz Ferdinands Vogels „Am Ende der Wanderung – Rückblick auf den Weg“ (Beendet: 30. September 1950, Maschinenschriftliche Abschrift (Auszug) im Pfarrarchiv der Berliner Sophienkirche, S. 4/5 im Original) Biografische Angaben von Franz Ferdinand und Hedwig Vogel
  3. The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
  4. Bekanntgabe von Verleihungen des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In: Bundesanzeiger. Jg. 25, Nr. 103, 5. Juni 1973

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