Gulf of Mexico Foundation

The Gulf of Mexico Foundation is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1990 by citizens concerned with the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico.


Based in Corpus Christi, Texas, the Foundation operates several programs to protect the fragile Gulf of Mexico. These include a Habitat and Conservation Team, teacher workshops on the wetlands, GMF science and Spanish clubs for high school students, and a Gulf of Mexico Summit conducted in conjunction with Mexican organizations.[1][2]


The Foundation is led by Quenton Dokken, director, a marine biologist. Its board of directors is led by president Paul Kelly, a former senior executive at Rowan Companies, an oil drilling firm. Other board members are executives from Shell Oil Company, ConocoPhillips, Transocean oil drilling firm, and legal, environmental and marketing firms.[3] At least half of the 19 board of directors have ties to the offshore oil drilling industry.[4]


Gulf of Mexico Foundation partners include major oil companies and oil drilling firms, and others concerned for the environment. They include BP, Transocean, Marathon, ConocoPhillips, Shell Oil Company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Rowan Companies and the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund.[5]


The Foundation has a reported $2 million annual budget, and one-quarter of its funding comes from corporations, including oil and gas companies. While the remaining, three-quarters comes from state and federal government grants. The foundation website provides the most prominent credit to oil and gas companies.[6]


Media and consumer advocacy groups question the Foundation’s close and questionable ties to the oil and gas industry.

After the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico starting in April 2010, Quenton Dokken, the organization’s director was interviewed by the New York Times about the severity of the then ongoing oil spill. He was optimistic saying:

“The sky is not falling. We’ve certainly stepped in a hole and we’re going to have to work ourselves out of it, but it isn’t the end of the Gulf of Mexico.”[7]

While the story did not mention the Foundation’s ties to the oil industry, two days later, the New York Times added an editors note that said the foundation “…receives some money from the oil industry, and other business interests in the gulf, and includes industry executives on its board.” [8] [9]

The paper’s blog also questioned Dokken’s objectiveness, reporting, “But as an executive (Dokken) whose fortunes are tied to partnerships between his group and the oil and gas companies that fund it -- including BP, ConocoPhillips, Marathon, etc. -- he's hardly an objective observer of corporate malfeasance.” [10]


  1. Gulf of Mexico Foundation newsletter Winter 2010,
  2. Gulf of Mexico Foundation newsletter, spring summer 2008,
  3. Gulf of Mexico Foundation website, May 4, 2010,
  4. ProPublica, May 4, 2010, Nonprofit conservation group has ties to oil interests,
  5. Gulf of Mexico Foundation website, May 4, 2010,
  6. ProPublica, May 4, 2010, Nonprofit conservation group has ties to oil interests,
  7. New York Times, Gulf oil spill is bad but how bad, 3 May 2010,
  8. New York Times, appended story, Gulf oil is bad but how bad, 5 May 2010,
  9. Newsweek blog, Today in questionable sourcing the New York Times, May 4, 2010,
  10. NYTPicker, Huh using anonymous and dubious sources,, May 5, 2010
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