Graduate School Graubünden

The Graduate School Graubünden is a not-for-profit stock corporation based in Davos, Switzerland. It supports young scientists and the university location Graubünden.


On December 18, 2014 Academia Raetica founded the Graduate School Graubünden. The performance mandate issued by the government of the canton of Graubünden to Academia Raetica on October 1, 2014, provides the financial basis for its operation. In the past, similar performance agreements had already existed between the government and Academia Raetica. In 2013, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) and the University of Zurich, with the objective to firmly establish the Graubünden based research scene within the national university and research network.[1]


The Graduate School Graubünden supports the scientific staff in Graubünden and in the region (PhD students, postdocs and other researchers) through different activities:

  • Training courses
  • Networking
  • Publicizing and acknowledging the research results of young scientists
  • Supporting the inter-institutional collaboration among research institutes and universities
  • Consulting and supporting young scientists
  • Strengthening the research and education location Graubünden


  1. "Graduate School - About".
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