
Gotteslob (Praise of God) is the title of the hymnbook authorized by the Catholic dioceses in Germany, Austria, South Tyrol and Liège. The present edition was introduced on 1 December 2013, succeeding the 1975 edition of the same name.

The hymnbook is published by the Bishops of Germany, Austria and South Tyrol. It is also used in German-speaking parishes in Luxembourg and the province of Liège, Belgium.

Hymns include "Den Herren will ich loben" and others by Maria Luise Thurmair. "Ein Haus voll Glorie schauet" is a popular hymn for consecration of a church and its anniversaries.

Some hymns are not part of the common section, but appear in regional sections, such as the Easter hymn "Das Grab ist leer, der Held erwacht" and the Marian hymn "Nun, Brüder, sind wir frohgemut".

In 2013, some songs were moved from regional sections to the common section, including Christoph Bernhard Verspoell's Christmas carol "Menschen, die ihr wart verloren".

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