Georgi Georgiev-Getz

Georgi Georgiev-Getz
Born (1926-10-04)October 4, 1926
village of Razpopovtsi, Bulgaria
Died September 2, 1996(1996-09-02) (aged 69)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Occupation Film and Theater Actor
Years active 1953–1996
Spouse(s) Tsena Georgieva

Georgi Georgiev-Getz (Bulgarian: Георги Георгиев-Гец; October 4, 1926 September 2, 1996) was a Bulgarian film and stage actor.

Best known for portraying valiant and honest conservative men, Getz was among the prominent names in the Bulgarian cinematography and theatre during the second half of the 20th century.[1] He appeared in many of the Bulgarian film classics such as We Were Young (1961), The Tied Up Balloon (1967), The Eighth (1969), Thorn Apple (1972), Matriarchy (1977) and probably his most notable role as Yordan in A Peasant on a Bicycle (1974) for which he received an award for Best Actor at the 9th Moscow International Film Festival in 1975.[2][3]

Biography and career

He was born as Georgi Ivanov Georgiev on October 4, 1926 in the village of Razpopovtsi, today neighborhood of the town of Elena, Bulgaria. In 1947, after finishing the secondary school, he went to Sofia where he enrolled in acting at The National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts graduating in 1953. After the graduation, Getz joined the troupe of the Ivan Vazov National Theatre where he remained for almost his whole career until 1990.

Georgi Georgiev-Getz died as a result of a stroke on September 2, 1996 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Full filmography

  • Kragovrat (1993) as Shanov

in Bulgarian: Кръговрат
in English: Circle

  • Pod igoto (1990) TV Series as Chorbadzhi Marko

in Bulgarian: Под игото
in English: Under the Yoke

  • Pravo na izbor (1989)

in Bulgarian: Право на избор
in English: Right to Choose

  • Bashta (1989) as the Father

in Bulgarian: Баща
in English: Father

  • Zhivotut si teche tiho... (1988) as Petko

in Bulgarian: Животът си тече тихо...
in English: Life Flows Slowly by...

  • Vecheri v Antimovskiya han (1988) TV Series as Kalmuka

in Bulgarian: Вечери в Антимовския хан
in English: Evenings in the Antim's Inn

  • Vasko de Gama ot selo Rupcha (1986) TV Series as Captain of the Ship

in Bulgarian: Васко де Гама от село Рупча
in English: Vasko de Gama from Rupcha Village

  • Te naddelyaha (1986) as Bay Dragan

in Bulgarian: Те надделяха
in English: They Prevailed

  • Denyat na vladetelite (1986) as Dilon

in Bulgarian: Денят на владетелите
in English: The Day of the Rulers

  • Mechtanie sam az (1985)

in Bulgarian: Мечтание съм аз
in English: I Am a Dream

  • Stenata (1984) as Chichov

in Bulgarian: Стената
in English: The Dam

  • Otkoga te chakam (1984) as Former director

in Bulgarian: Откога те чакам
in English: It's Nice to See You

in Bulgarian: Равновесие
in English: Balance

  • Nay-tezhkiyat gryah (1982) as Simeonov-Vedrin

in Bulgarian: Най-тежкият грях
in English: The Worst Sin

  • Spirka "Berlin" (1982)

in Bulgarian: Спирка `Берлин`
in English: 'Berlin' Station

  • Niccolo Paganini (1982) (mini) TV Series
  • Udarat(1981 in film|1981)

in Bulgarian: Ударът
in English: The Thrust

in Bulgarian: Пришествие
in English: Advent

  • Milost za zhivite (1981) as Bay Stefan

in Bulgarian: Милост за живите
in English: Mercy for the Living

  • Uoni (1980) as Ivan Gyaurov - Uoni

in Bulgarian: Уони
in English: Wonny (Europe)

  • Trite smurtni gryaha (1980) as Kuzdo Karakozov

in Bulgarian: Трите смъртни гряха
in English: Three Deadly Sins

  • Sami sred valtzi (1979) TV Series as Geshev

in Bulgarian: Сами сред вълци
in English: Alone Among Wolves

  • Patyat kam Sofia(1979) (mini) TV Series as Kliment Budinov

in Bulgarian: Пътят към София
in English: The Way to Sofia

  • Matriarhat (1977) as Milor

in Bulgarian: Матриархат
in English: Matriarchy

  • Dopalnenie kam zakona za zashtita na darzhavata (1976) as the Man with the cigarette

in Bulgarian: Допълнение към закона за защита на държавата
in English: Amendment to the Law for the Defense of the State

in Bulgarian: Селянинът с колелото
in English: A Peasant on a Bicycle

  • Posledniyat ergen (1974) as the Colonel

in Bulgarian: Последният ерген
in English: The Last Bachelor

  • Zarevo nad Drava (1974) as Major Boyan Vasilev

in Bulgarian: Зарево над Драва
in English: Dawn Over the Drava

  • Igrek 17 (1973) as Kapitan Rudev

in Bulgarian: Игрек 17
in English: Y-17

  • Tatul (1972) as Ganchovski

in Bulgarian: Татул
in English: Thorn Apple

  • Nyama nishto po-hubavo ot loshoto vreme (1971) as Emil Boev

in Bulgarian: Няма нищо по-хубаво от лошото време
in English: There Is Nothing Finer Than Bad Weather

  • Tzitadelata otgovori (1970) as Major Petar Hariev

in Bulgarian: Цитаделата отговори
in English: The Citadel Replied

  • Chetirimata ot vagona (1970) as Kapitan Draganov

in Bulgarian: Четиримата от вагона
in English: Four Men in a Boxcar

  • Osmiyat (1969) as Osmiyat

in Bulgarian: Осмият
in English: The Eighth

  • Na vseki kilometar (1969) TV Series as the Voivode (unknown episodes)

in Bulgarian: На всеки километър
in English: At Each Kilometer

  • Trugni na put (1969) as Predsedatelyat Radi Radulov

in Bulgarian: Тръгни на път
in English: Set Out Again

  • Nebeto na Veleka (1968) as Martin

in Bulgarian: Небето на Велека
in English: The Sky Over the Veleka

  • Prokurorat (1968) as the prosecutor Miladin Voynov

in Bulgarian: Прокурорът
in English: The Prosecutor

in Bulgarian: Привързаният балон
in English: The Tied Up Balloon

  • S dah na bademi (1967) as Mihail Nikodimov

in Bulgarian: С дъх на бадеми
in English: Taste of Almonds

  • Nay-dalgata nosht (1967) as Stranger

in Bulgarian: Най-дългата нощ
in English: The Longest Night

  • Mezhdu dvamata (1966) as Halata, Plamen's father

in Bulgarian: Между двамата
in English: Between Parents

in Bulgarian: Мъже
in English: Men

  • Neprimirimite (1964) as Atanas

in Bulgarian: Непримиримите
in English: The Intransigents

  • Chernata reka (1964) as Dobri

in Bulgarian: Черната река
in English: The Black River

  • Zlatniyat zab (1962) as Captain Prodan Lipovski, The Golden Tooth

in Bulgarian: Златният зъб
in English: The Golden Tooth

  • Stramnata pateka (1961) as Ivan Diviya

in Bulgarian: Стръмната пътека
in English: The Steep Path

  • Noshtta sreshtu trinadeseti (1961) as General

in Bulgarian: Нощта срещу тринадесети
in English: On the Eve of the 13th

in Bulgarian: А бяхме млади
in English: We Were Young

in Bulgarian: Първи урок
in English: First Lesson The Old Lady in the UK

  • Zakonat na moreto (1958) as Petar

in Bulgarian: Законът на морето
in English: The Law of the Sea

in Bulgarian: Точка първа
in English:Item One

  • Nespokoen pat (1955) as the Khazak

in Bulgarian: Неспокоен път
in English: Troubled Road, a Man Decides

  • Nasha zemya (1952) as Dimo

in Bulgarian: Наша земя
in English: Our Land

  • Utro nad Rodinata (1951) as the Locksmith

in Bulgarian: Утро над Родината
in English: Dawn Over the Homeland


  1. (in Bulgarian) Georgi Georgiev-Getz biography at
  2. "9th Moscow International Film Festival (1975)". MIFF. Archived from the original on 2013-01-16. Retrieved 2013-01-07.
  3. Georgi Georgiev-Getz at IMDB


  • Gencheva, Galina (2008). Bulgarian Feature Films encyclopedia. Sofia: Publishing house "Dr Ivan Bogorov". ISBN 978-954-316-069-3.
  • Kovachev, Pencho (2008). 50 Golden Bulgarian Films. Sofia: Publishing house "Zahariy Stoyanov". ISBN 978-954-09-0281-4.
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